Sick To Stomach
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Was just wondering how can I keep from getting sick to my stomach all the time when I take my meds.

5 Replies

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First of all, be sure that your not
mixing pills that are adverse to each other. then make sure it is not to high of a dose for you. Maybe you need a second doctors opinion. I find that people are all to quick to pop pills that doctors dispense in profusion. I have read that lisinopril is not to be taken with nsaids for any extent of time.. Be careful, when something is wrong ask questions, as you are doing now. I have taken Lisinopril for many years now, But I always eat breakfast after taking and I keep my dose small.. Good luck.

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Eat something before taking that med . If your taking the med in the morning then take it later in the day.

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You can also ask your doctor, they can help by possibly prescribing an antinausea medication.

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I have always had the same problem, and food is definitely the key- taking pain medications+empty stomach = ulcer. I've also found that if I take an Acid Reducer (Zantac, Prevacid, etc.) or at least a Rolaids or two with an energy/granola bar it helps tremendously.

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You might try packing your med's in food, eat a little, take pill,eat again,take pill etc..
I take Lisinopril at bedtime,along with couple other med's, and have no problem but I usually eat a little bit with it. You may be taking too many at once, divide them up. Chk with your Dr or Pharm. to get the best advice . Hope this helps.

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