Should I Start Taking My Meds. Again
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2004 i was diagnoised with cirvical cancer,lost my home while in hospt.,basically lost my mind,physclgst. perscbd. me this wonderful drug,when i was feelin great i quit takin meds. well my cancer has since spread 2 lungs&possbly. heart,gettin that bad feeling again,but not really wanting to go back 2 theopy,what would u recomend??drs. shrinks,ect,it was a wonderful to feel normal once more,but this time drs. are giving me 6%chance of living,the cancer got me good this go round,i do take xanax,4 nerves,but its the reilzation that i will more than likely not make it this go round even w/all the chemo,should i maybe go ahead and give it a try,just to cover &depression that i feel oncoming again?? i,d had probally takin my life be-4 they got me on lithium,it truly saved my life,my mind,ect,,

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I NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY WHEN U FEEL GOOD, U QUIT TAKING WHAT MAKES U FEEL GOOD??? do you want to spend your remaining days depressed or feeling good...take the pilld=s and GOD BLESS.

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yes I would take meds and I saw a tv special that said THC (pot) was most helpful with chemo side effects a new med (don't know name of) was to be available with THC active ingredient. GOOD LUCK

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Dear Loreli, I am astonished to here from you that it werks for your depressions insstead of your mania's, this because lithium is in my country(The Netherlands) prescribed for reducing the mania's instead of the depression. But it if it helps you fight your depressions I see no reason not to take it. Greatings Jan Bouckaert
PS:Lithium is the keyingredient in the newest battery's

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I think you should seek out your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - you are headed to a MUCH better place - find peace and be joyful with this.

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If it works, take it! Do you have a support system, children, spouse, friends? I am concerned about what seems to be your level of depression. If you need to talk or write back and forth to someone please email me I would be glad to help in any way I can. I know you must be going through a lot! God will prevail though!

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please let me knw if i should staet taking lithum,as i have said before its a wonder drug,4 phycsy.only,but i am an alot of cancer meds.but drs. had me start lithuim,when i was 1st.diagonised,i do know theropy will be a requirement im sure,which may not be a bad idea.but w/all other drs. every week i just dont know when i,d have the time to make appts.

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