Savella Contain Gluten
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I have been taking Savella for a week. I have celiac disease and have all the syptoms of ingesting glyten.
Does Savella contain gluten?
Savella is manufactured by Forest Pharmaceuticals, subsidiary of Forest Labratories.
Any help would be wonderful!
Thank you

5 Replies

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Thank you for information on pharmaceutical company Aurobindo...more people should be made aware of the fact that mfg of medication is as important in problem medication...where meds are manufactured should be put on label like for origin of food products!!

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Hi, all. Late to this thread and new to Forum. I just started Savella, also, and because had a Celiac "issue" with a previous med, contacted Forest Pharm directly and was told it was manufactured stateside (in USA) and, although not considered GF, would most likely be so as not manufactured alongside anything that is gluten containing. I called because I had been on Synthroid, which was GF Certified till Jan 2014; then they outsourced to Aurobindo in India, which manufactures in a plant that is known to one month might be good, next month not. I had to switch to a known manufacturer in USA (Mylan) which is GF for thyroid med. So...wanted to make sure with Savella, and now I am. Yes... causes SEVERE constipation in some. I fought this by increasing my Vite E intake (2 caps a day), water (by 1 liter), and taking one 25mg Dramamine tablet in a.m. (which also helped with the "getting used to it nausea" which mimics my "glutized nausea"). So far so good. I'm a Roux-en-Y Complete Stomach Bypass Surgical patient of 5 years, so it was REALLY important to have a way to ingest without problems. Just my experience...yours may vary. Thanks.

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Hi- I am in the process of going off Savella, and I have Celiac's. From what I understand it doesn't have Gluten in it, but it does cause constipation. So you might just be experiencing that because its a general side effect, not because of gluten.

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No nothing has changed. I started the Savella Titration pack for 6 days. Had all the symptoms of ingesting gluten. With me, everything comes to a grinding halt!!! I increased my Myrilax by 4 times and nothing. Stopped the Savella and within 24 hours returned to normal!!!

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Hello, Joe! How are you?

And no, from what I've been able to find, it doesn't containing anything with gluten.

Has anything else changed concerning your diet or medications?

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