Periods Not Come
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i am 27 year old single i am virgin .. but my period missed last month still not come... what can i do for this.... i have some psychiatric problem and my treatment start for the may be this the reason or medicine please tell meee

6 Replies

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6 my period has returned after 3 yrs of having fibroid removed 17 of I went back to see the DR..and he suggested I take this medication called provera...he's not sure why my period is delay or it might be menapause...I'm scared to take the pill after reading so much side effects..I'm 48...please tell me what and if you got any side effects?

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I took i-pill and my period has not come yet. Please suggest which medicine I can take. My pregnancy report is negative.

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im 27 years old single & virgin. i had period on 2nd March 2014 and this month on 31st march i had a brown color drop then on 1st April there was nothing. then on 2nd April again dark yellow color emission was coming out i thought my periods is getting start but next day it was clean . then on 3rd April again i found dark brown color drops in evening i thought now my periods have started but today its 6th April .my periods are not yet started .im so worried what should i do now. i have took herbal tea as well. or i am thinking to take a (Provera tablet ) to get my period. im so much worried about it. In previous Year i had found 40 days gap to start a new periods.
and this was happened to me twice a year. might be im having a poly ovarian cyst or Bartholin cysts because my weight is gaining , acne on face n boils on inner thighs , and found some painful or soft lumps on Labia minora for 5 or 6 years and facing many times small or a medium lumps on labia majora as well .
plz tell me the med to have an early period in every month.


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hi I m 19 old girl. I m unmarried. but one time I had intercourse with my boyfriend. but I sure I am virgin. he not broke my verginity ..but I cant take any type of risk so I take I-PILL ..last 2 month my piriud is not coming ..I m so scared. wht can I do plss give me some suggestions ..plss help me .. n I m pregnant or not ...??

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im 27 yrs,i have missed my period for 2.5 month,not pregnant,im not happy for this ,help me and tell me what should i take?

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What type of treatment/medication are you taking?

Yes, there are some that may affect your menstrual cycle and your stress levels may also affect it.

Learn more menstruation details here.

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