Oxazepam False Poitive
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I am prescribed klonopin and showed up positive for oxazepam. Can anyone tell me why this or how this could happen. Please help me.

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If u happen ro find ot what happened plz let me know as well. If u dont mind me asking r u from PA??

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I never even heard of Oxazepam until today when my Doctor told me that I had came back positive on my urinalysis for Oxazepam but negative for opioids. Interestingly enough, I have been rx'd Fentanyl transdermal and Oxycodone for several years now, and I take them as directed and still came up negative for them (wtf!?) but positive for this Oxazepam that I've never even heard of before! How the heck is this possible!??!???

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This happened to me as well. I take Klonopin & methadone & I get random drug screens monthly. Today my test came back with oxazepam. The nurse said I mustve taken valium but I didn't!! I demanded another drug screen but they wouldnt give it to me. I am so upset. What could have went wrong????

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The samething just happened to me and i am trying to find the same answers please help if you find anything out.

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Klonopin contains the active ingredient Clonazepam, it is a Benzodiazepine and Oxazepam is a Benzodiazepine derivative.

The less expensive, non-certified tests are known to give false positives anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time, especially for closely related drug classes like this.



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