Medicine To Help Mothers Conceive
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I'm 25 yrs old and my hubby is 29... We have been trying to conceive for the last 1 yr....but there is no positive doc prescribed me fertisure f tablet and ferpill kit. Please tell me if these tablets will help me out or not?

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I am a fibroid patient, but my doctor said with the size of the fibroid I can still be pregnant and so he prescribed Ova Care, Duphaston for low progesterone and Omega 3-6-9. Will these drugs help me to get pregnant? Thanks.

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I have a simple cyst in my right ovary measuring 39.8*39.7mm. My tsh level is 7.96, lh level is 8.46, prolactin is 11.20 and amh is 4.38. My periods are irregular after having been married for the last 8 months. My Dr suggested I take diane 35, but I want to conceive... Is there any kind of solution for the removal of cysts?

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Hi. I am a 35 year old woman trying to conceive for the last two years but without success. Please help me.

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Hi. I am 22 years old and married. I am trying to get pregnant, but I have a period problem and my tsh level is 17.3. I am worried about my period. Can you recommend a medicine for my situation?

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I am a 24 year old girl, trying to conceive for the past 6 months... Does fol-123 help in conception? It was suggested by my doctor.

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I was using a contraceptive for two years and since I stopped using it, I'm now having a very hard time trying to make a baby. What pills can I take to help me conceive? Please help.

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Both these medicines will help to improve the pregnancy outcomes.

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