Januvia 's Side Effects
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I took januvia off and on--because of the side effects--for 3 months. Then I suffered renal failure from the drug. My physician never warned me of this and never tested my kidneys though I have had high creatinine levels in the past. I want to know who is responsible for this: the doctor, the drug co. or myself?

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margosparkle, not everyone will suffer this same reaction to the drug, if you have concerns then please speak to your doctor.

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I just started this drug Januvia last night. Now, I'm a bit worried. Is the renal faliure reversible?

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There is no way for any of us to answer that and we would be remiss to even try.

You should have been given a monograph listing some basic side effects when you got your prescription filled.

If you are wondering if you have some sort of case or something, consult a medical malpractice lawyer and they will be better able to advise you.

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