Is One 0 5 Xanax Enough For Teeth Extractions
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I'm going to the dentist to have lower dentures put in they gave me two 0.5 xanax do I have to take both of them or is one enough

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I just had a molar pulled last month, the first tooth I lost in 50 years since the 8 were pulled. My Dentist offers Nitrous Oxide yet made it clear it would not help for an extraction. I was surprised I didn't feel the tooth pulled! With that said I can't see how nitrous oxide could hurt to relax you for the procedure in addition to a local anesthetic ? I just don't like the advice I gave about driving on Xanax, especially if you are not used to taking them. I didn't know a Dentist could just hand out certain controlled medication, hope it went ok for you

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As Eddy has stated, it really depends on whether or not your body is used to taking them, and if you're driving, or etc.

I understand the anxiety associated with dental work, after a lifetime of issues, I am so happy to have dentures, now, and be mostly done with it.

The FDA warns that Xanax carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and irritability.

Why type of dentures are you getting?

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I had 8 teeth pulled at one time as a kid. I was put under General anesthesia for it. Because you are driving perhaps take 1 and when you get to the office take the other. 1 mg is not a lot but if you are not used to them it could be a little too much if you are driving or even if you aren't. Good luck!

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