How To Order X112 Liquid Diet Drops By Mail Order
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I would like to order the x112 liquid diet drops that comes from Germany. When I was in Germany I lost lots of weight from using the x112 liquid diet drops. What is the total cost for the x112 liquid diet drops? If I can order by mail please let me know as soon as possible. There was no side effect to using the liquid x112 diet drops. The x112 liquid diet drops came in a very small dark color bottle.

40 Replies (2 Pages)

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I would also like to know how to acquire a bottle of X112 from Germany, because I was stationed in Germany from 1985-1988 and I had no side effects. It was a great help for curbing my appetite.

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Hey I'd love to try this product. I'm in the EU. If anyone knows how to get a hold of it please let me know

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Re: Sheridan Bodley (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I know to well about those drops but due to people abusing them like shooting up it is hard to get now. I even ask my family in Germany to get them for me no luck.

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Re: G Love (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

Well your the first person that does. Wonderful Will you share how? Ty

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How can I get a prescription for x112? Thanks.

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Hi, I was with my husband in Amberg from 89-92 and I lost 35 pounds in 3weeks and kept it off for such a long time. And now I need to drop like 30lb and im just ready to fly over there and get a bunch of it and ship it to myself. So if anyone knows how to get it. Please post it

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you really can't get them anymore without prescription Due to people that shoot it up their veins. Unless you know somebody in germany who can get them for you. Germany pharmacy will not ship them overseas to bad I like them too. I even spook to a german pharmacist and I was told that they can't ship the drops.

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to all poeple who looking for X112 I also used the drops they cost about 25 euros The best thing to lose weight. But the problem is now poeple abuse the drops by shooting up and now you have to have a prescription. I have friends in germany and they could not get them for me. I don't understand why it is on the market but nobody can get them. Before you could get them without prescription but not anymoore.

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i would like to order the x112 weight meds

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How can I order it.

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I know how to order it

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Did anyone ever find out how to order x112 drops

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I would like to know how order x112....the price

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how to get x112, anyone know?

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How can I order x112? I have been online looking for it, yet i have been getting the run around. I really would like to order this product.

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I wouls like to order the X112 Liquid Diet Drops from Germany please.

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Has anyone found a way to order X112 drops from Germany? I'm looking for them, too. Cost doesn't matter.

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I did also, and would like to know about the x112's please~

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I used x112 when I was in Germany and would like to order it now. What is the cost and shipping charge?

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