Dvt Pe
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I am currently taking coumadin for a pe and dvt that the doctors arnt even sure i had in the first place. I stay tired and my head hurts constantly ive been on it for 8 months i want off this poison. Every timr i try to come of this med my doc gets real deffensive and tells me i should get usedto being on it. Now ive had my cloting factors checked and everything looked fine my doc even wrote in my file no problems seem to be present. Evrything looks clear. Recommend extended treatment has any one had these problems

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Hello, I have pe & dvt from a factor 8 blood disorder and my doctor has me on Coumadin since April 2014. I am sick everyday, headaches stomach pains, gas all the time, light headed. I just changed doctors. I doesn't seem my doctor was listening to me with the symptom's. I feel like I'm dying inside. Need to be on Coumadin for the rest of my life they say.

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Hello, Ben! How are you?

Well, remember that no matter what's going on and what they prescribe, you are not obligated to take any medication or to continue following that doctor's advice.

Which brings me to my next point, if they aren't even sure that you had a DVT, then I think it's time to get a second opinion from a different doctor.

What type of doctor have you been seeing?

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