Cymgem 60mg
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i want to know how has ppl reactions to cymgem,60mg my dr precribed it nd im terrified to take it,,,i was on adco paroxtine nd its wearing off now after many yrs,, shud i go cold turkey nd quit all my meds or try cymgem,, joanne

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thanku so much for ur reply,, i took it today for the first time, the cymgem, nd it gave me those side effects, but not too bad, i think i shud give it a try, as i so want to get well, thanku for the info, it helps to know it can help,, thanks again joanne

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Hi, Joanne! How are you?

Cymgen contains the active ingredient Duloxetine, which is an SNRI antidepressant, so it's in a different class than the Paroxetine that you were taking and it may help you.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes.

As to what you should do, only you and your doctor can decide that, but there would most likely be issues and rebound effects if you go off of your meds cold turkey.

Learn more Duloxetine details here.

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