Contrave And Surgery 911
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I was taking only 2 contrave pills in the morning for a couple of months. My last dosage was yesterday which was Monday. I'm having cosmetic surgery in two days which is Thursday. Is it safe to have surgery? I wasn't aware of any dangers with Contrave & surgery. I wasn't on this medication when I initially had my consult. Please help.. I'm worried.

3 Replies

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Hi there! I agree with you, Marufa. Consulting with a cosmetic surgeon is essential. Ask him about any concerns you have. A good specialist may evaluate your specific needs and medical history. Their guidance is a must-have, for sure. So don't hesitate to book an appointment. Take care and I hope my advice will be helpful!

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Hello! To be honest, I'm not sure if it is safe for you to have surgery after taking Contrave. But I can ensure you it's important to consult with a cosmetic surgeon regarding any concerns you have about medication usage. They can evaluate your specific medical history and provide guidance. If I were you, I'd search for a reliable clinic and book an appointment. It's always better to be transparent with your healthcare provider about any medicines and supplement you're taking.

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Has your surgeon provided any instructions regarding medications you should not take, before your surgery?

Due to the Naltrexone in Contrave, some pain medications may not work for you, it usually takes about 3 days, after stopping the medication, for them to work, again.

The FDA warns that this medication may cause other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, and anorexia.

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