Bad Odor Of Pill
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I've noticed that the pill has a disgusting odor, is that common?

10 Replies

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By the way, Andy will graduate this May!

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Darn, I always mess up spelling your name! LOL! Sorry.

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LOL! Bobby yes, one and the same, matter of fact, I still work for one of those sites. How have you been?? Missed ya! Send me a note at [email protected] and I will respond and send you my and Andy's new emails and how to get in touch!

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I see you go by verwon...hhmmmm I have been wondering how to get in contact with a woman I know who went by this user name often on coupon sites...would this perhaps be you from PA???

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The worst I have found so far have been my narcotics, every time I open the bottle my cat has to sniff it and once he tried to bury the bottle in my bed! LOL! They are a generic for MS Contin.

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Thanks Verwon,
That's true. This is the worst I have encountered so far. Hopefully I won't find the others.

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There are many, many pills that have a nasty odor, try tasting them sometimes. LOL!

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your very welcome, thanks for taking my advice.

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Thanks Kristen,
Yes, I did ask my doctor, he was somewhat non-commital. Good to know from another user that it does have a bad odor....well, that means it should be expected. Thanks for answering. John

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that is normal, when I took it it smelled horable but still talk to your doctor about it.

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