What Is Desvenlaflax
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I've been taking Pristiq for a long time, understanding there was no generic. I've even spoken to my Dr who prescribed it about a generic not having been released. Today I changed pharmacies, having provided them with my last bottle of Pristiq for all the info. I was given Desvenlaflax, showing it was generic for Pristiq. I'm confused. I'd like to know if this is actually the generic. I'm familiar with Desvenlafaxine but never heard of what I've now been given. Also I know some generics are not as effective as the brand name. If you have any information concerning the efficacy, please provide.

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I was prescribed Pristiq a year or more ago until I read the side effect of it, and worse was coming off them was terrifying,
Here in Australia they don’t have the 25mg only 50 mg and upwards When you want to come off this medication please do it slowly. Because not having the 25mg this is one way to do it without too much side effects, I bought a small pill cutter (this medication cannot be cut in half they are coated). Then place Each half in an empty capsule (bought from the chemist) the same with the others, after a few weeks cut them in quarters and do the same, this way you get off them without dramas which is dramatic in itself. I have told my GP not to prescribe these awful antidepressant to any one because they are awful. Side effects are not nice. Please read comments from the other patients and they will tell you not to go on them. It took me weeks to get off them doing it the safe way.

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I've somehow experienced the opposite of what seems to be the trend- I started on the generic due to financial reasons. I had a minimal adjustment period, and felt fantastic.
I was only on the generic for 2 months before I got my prescription refilled and forgot to ask for generic. I now have Pristiq, which I've been on for 3 weeks- insomnia, headaches, dehydration have all kicked in.

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Re: Mikyyy (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

My dad takes Pristiq 100mg. They prescribed him the generic the last two times and he was admitted to the hospital. He can't sleep and has that loud buzzing in his head. He is going back to the doctor on Tuesday. I think the switch to generic is what is causing his problems.

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I switched from pristiq to generic desvenlafaxine by lupin 3 weeks ago but have been feeling gradually worse. I got that loud buzzing in my head! Anybody got that on pristiq or desvenlafaxine? Yesterday I found a generic by greenstone and it looks exactly like pristiq pills. I checked and found that greenstone is owned by pfizer, the pristiq manufacturer. I expect this is the same pill!

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Re: Calif Native (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Update: My doctor contacted Express Scripts and now I am receiving brand Pristiq at the generic price. It has made a marked positive difference in my mood, behavior, everything!!

The Express Scripts number for Appeals is 800-946-3979. (FYI: This MAY be the number for NJ Direct for NJ State employees.)

Good luck.

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Is it safe to combine nuvigil for fatigue from Lupus and rhuematoid arthritis and Adderall for ADHD? I have been on Adderall for 30 year's and need my doctor to prescribe me something for fatigue from Lupus and rhuematoid arthritis.what do you recommend?

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Please note that Lamictal has been difficult for generic companies to duplicate. There are a handful of drugs that are on this "Narrow Therapeutic Index", including Synthroid. Lamictal has now joined this class of drugs.
Have your doctor call the prescription carrier you use. There MAY be a prescription form your Dr can fill out explaining why you need an exception to the generic drug. Once approved, you will receive the brand name at the generic co-pay. I have two drugs (Lamictal & ProVigil) through Express Scripts for which I've been able to have covered as generic. Now it looks like I'll have to do the same with Pristiq, since I have unbelievable exhaustion. And until reading this today, I thought it was only a problem with my CPAP machine! FYI: The last time I spoke with a pharmacist at Express Scripts, he advised they only carried the Synthroid brand. So I had my doctor change my script as ok to fill as generic. I have only ever received the brand. The only difference is the co-pay you pay.

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Thanks to all who responded to my post. I experienced most of same mood alterations y'all did. Dr. wrote for brand Pristiq but as mentioned my ins doubled price since generic is available. Right now I'm alternating the Pristiq with generic to try a gradual transition to generic. I wasn't going to waste the generic coz stupidly it was same price I'd paid for Pristiq previously. Thought generics were supposed to be cheaper! Also, I think venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine are different. Not sure this would apply to others but I also take generic Lamictal (lamotrigine) for mood stabilization. Thanks for all the replies. Am glad to know I'm not the only one either!

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I thought it was just me. I've been on pristiq for 6 years and since switching to the generic a month ago I am a complete wreck. At first I thought it was stress. But I've been on the generic for a month and it's been an emotional roller coaster all month.

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Yes, I was on brand Pristiq for 6 years with no plms. Until my stupid insurance increased the copay to be $300 per month. Switched to venlafaxine but I experienced bad irritability in evenings. My psych changed to Zoloft...was on 50, 100 then 150, I didn't feel right but I was calmer but my emotion levels were null or numb. When the generic pristiq came out, right now, I am transitioning to this but I am going through bad side effects, sleepy in daytime and awakened in nights. I can get so paranoid and thinking everyone is against me. I cannot determine if it is from Zoloft withdrawal symptoms or the generic pristiq side effects. I am taking Xanax to float me through as needed. It can be scary at times.

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Omg I've been on Pristiq for 5 years at 100mg.
They switched me to the generic when released and I'm a wreck.
Crying, moody, exhausted.
It's all I can do to even get out of the house.
Seeing my dr tomorrow.
This is dangerous.

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I was switched last week to the generic as it became available to my pharmacy. My anxiety has been increasingly worse over the past few days, when it was well-controlled for over a year on the Pristiq. I had reactions to venlafaxine in the past as well, requiring me to be on the brand-name Effexor. Has anyone else had this experience? I'm not sure whether to have it switched back and pay 3 times the amount for the Rx, or wait to see if this is just situational stuff going on. It's awful.

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SO takes takes it mainly for anxiety and switched to the generic. Doesn't seem to work at all. Had to have the doctor request name brand.

I also switched to the generic and I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but the last 2-3 weeks I've been sleeping a lot. Not the depressed I don't feel like getting out of bed type; the I just can't keep my eyes open type.

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That is Desvenlafaxine, they just abbreviated it on this refill. The only way to see how it will work for you is by trying it to see.

The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight changes.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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