Treda By Sanfer
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I got this drug from a pharmacy in Mex. for sromach

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Its available without RX across the border here in nogales!!

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Trenda is a miracle over the counter medicine!! Need to now how to buy some more! Purchased in Cabo for an upset stomach and seriously within 5 minutes felt better!!

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My 10 year old started vomiting every 40 minutes with severe diarrhea last Sunday around 6pm. I stayed with her in the hotel room and quickly found this forum. I went to the doctor in the hotel and he put her on Meclison to stop the vomiting and Treda. Prescription was delivered at 7:30 pm. We used 20 drops Meclison in 2 tbsp water. 4 of those doses came back up within 20 minutes. The dose at 9:00 stayed down. After waiting an hour to be sure that she was done vomiting we were able to give her the first dose of liquid Treda. Now we waited. She fell asleep and made it through the night. At 6am the next morning we were deciding who was going to stay with her in the hotel room while the other went on the Vallarta Adventure zip lining with our 14 year old. My 10 year old got up, said she was ok, but tired. She went and did the entire adventure that lasted 6.5 hrs! In hindsight I wish we had taken action when she mentioned a cramped stomach at 3pm instead of taking action after she was vomiting. I bought a supply of this medication at the airport to bring home as well as bring back with us on our next trip. This drug is a MIRICLE! Pick it up when you arrive in country in tablet form. USE IT WHEN YOUR STOMACH CRAMPS! Don't wait!

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I've just got back from Mexico. I had severe diorrheah, stomach cramps and felt really sick. After 2 days I saw the hotel doctor. He prescribed treda and floratil. I started them on Sunday and by Tuesday I'm just about back to normal. The floratil is to replace the good bacteria in my gut. I've got a bad headache but I think it's more due to tiredness than a side effect of the drug.
For the consultation and the 2 drugs it was 208 usd.
I was at a resort hotel and no where near a pharmacy, but I believe you can get these meds without seeing a doctor.

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I was on an official trip to Mexico City and got sick, mainly diarrhea but also various other symptoms, like slight fever and general feeling of sickness, soreness. I wanted to go see a doctor there, but the project manager actually got me this medicine Treda and asked me to try it.. Just half day - I was back to normal - didn't buy it myself so don't know how much it costed. It might be something similar to the metrogyl or nor-metrogyl that we get in India but was more effective. Anyways much better than what you can get for the symptoms in such a short time in the US, for sure.

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Treda IS a miracle. I buy it in Mexico every time I go there. Must have it in my medicine chest. I wish I could buy it here in the states. I need to go on the internet to see if I can order it. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. The Mexicans swear by it, and there is nothing in the states that can compare. It is available in every pharmacy in Mexico. I'm down to 8 capsules, YE GODS! You need it, you take it and you're cured. PS. I don't get sick in Mexico, but I need Treda in the states.

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What color is the liquid? I bought some but it expired a couple of months ago and it is a caramel color, but I can't remember what it was when I bought it.

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INDICATIONS: Anti-diarrheal and intestinal antiseptic, useful in the treatment of diarrhea in children and adults, diarrhea andtraveler's diarrhea food caused by susceptible bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella, and EnterobacterParacolon.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in cases of intestinal obstruction and in those with history of hypersensitivity to any component of the formula. Neither should be used if there is high fever.

PRECAUTIONS: You should not be used for more than threedays due to the possibility of systemic effects.

If signs of kidney damage, the drug should be discontinued.Prolonged use of this product may trigger the development ofneomycin-susceptible organisms, particularly monilia.

It must be remembered that there have been some cases of ototoxicity, especially when administered for several daysneomycin, in this way during pregnancy should be consideredthat might arise the possibility of hearing acuity in both the mother and the son.



Children over 6 years: 1 tablet every 4 to 6 hours for 5 days.

Adults: 2 to 4 tablets every 4 to 6 hours for no more than 5 days.


Children 6 to 12 years: 10 ml every 4 to 6 hours for 5 days.

Children 12 years and adults: 20 ml every 4 to 6 hours for 5 days.

They should not forget other therapeutic procedures, such asfluids given orally or parenterally to correct dehydration.

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what is the actual shelf life of Treda

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I was in Mexico on holliday and got this from the Pharmacy for my husband; his recovery was overnight, however after 2 days (when home in the UK) I developed the same simptomps and I was not able to get this in the UK so I suffered for 5 days (5 horoble days!). I wish I got full suitcase of this while in Mexico.

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The description for Treda states that it is indicated for the treatment of acute diarrhea caused by susceptible strains of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus and Enterobacter.

It is an Antidiarrheal and specific bactericidal that works in the gastrointestinal tract. Treda is a synergistic combination antidiarrheal based kaolin and pectin with pharmacologically active doses of neomycin, an effective antimicrobial against most common enteropathogenic bacteria in the etiology and pathogenesis of gastrointestinal infections such as Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella, and Paracolon Enterobacter.

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I got this in PV, MX and it worked immediately, it was a life saver. I have IBS and have had bad episodes lately and it has been helping keep it under control. Does anyone know how I can order it online?

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All I can say is Wow! 2 years ago I went to Mexico got very ill and spent the rest of my vacation in bed nearly dieing....I made it home and was hospitalized for an entire 12 days afterwards. In December 2012 on my last day of vacation in Mexico the same sickness came upon me... the doctor at the resort recommended Treda I took two pills with water, slept for two hours and was up dancing and pcaking my bags! I bought an extra box and when I returned home to the U.S my family was sick....I gave them the Treda and whala! all is well!!!

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Does Treda contains Penicilina???

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Have you heard of Especco for diarrhea? What is it and where is it purchased?

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During a recent trip to mexico,Treda worked well for me, as well. Is there a way to purchase this product in the US?

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This drug is something else. I was dying with food poisoning and took this Mexican medication; damn! is so goodddd

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I also used Treda last year in Mexico and plan to again if needed.

According to it website it is a combination of a mild anti-biotic and the same substance in Immodium which solidifies the stools.

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I just flew back to Australia from Mexico and couldn't wait to google this miracle drug Treda. My family were holidaying in Mexico when we all got food poisoning with cronic diarrhea and feeling very nauseous.I was given a pack of Treda for $9 pack of 20 from the chemist so I took 2 and not expecting them to really work was so surprised that only hours later felt almost 100%. the next day I took a few more throughout the day to make sure. The other family members were still very sick some worse than the previous day.1 family member agreed to take Treda and again within hours she was 100%, while the others still sick. So 2 more took it that afternoon and again were cured with the remaining 2 still very sick. The remaining 2 quickly realised this was no coinincidence and took them together before we boarded the plane back to Aust. both were cured in a couple of hours. my biggest regret is not buying more to take back home as you just get told buy doctors over here to rest it off with no eating and drink plenty of water for 2 days ,there's nothing else you can do. When there is something it's called TREDA!

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I had bad pure water diarehea, and i live at the border so i crossed over, and told them my problem. They gave me TREDA and a pedialite (adult) and not even hour and im feeling good. It sure made me feel better

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