Severe Nausea On The 7th Week
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I lost 13 lbs. but did have bouts of mild nausea occasionally the first month with Contrave. But, I had a whopper last weekend. I have a really strong stomach and cannot remember the last time I had a stomach bug. I experienced lightheadedness, weakness in my legs and neck, as well as neck pain. It felt like I couldn't hold my head up. Also, there was a strange numbness/tingling in my left hand. It seemed to improve about 45 minutes after I began sipping water and laid down with my legs raised above the level of my head. I'm up to 15 lbs. lost and really don't want to go off of it for mild nausea/side effects. But, I don't think I can do another episode like that. Suggestions?

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Hello, Diane! How are you feeling?

Though you didn't go to the hospital, please make sure to inform your doctor about the symptoms you experienced. They should likely check things out, just to be safe.

The typical side effects listed by the FDA for Contrave may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nervousness and anorexia. Thus, your experiences were definitely not typical.

Are you on any other medications?

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Throughout the 2 months I have now been on Contrave, I have had 3 alarming episodes. The weird nausea episode already mentioned. At one full month in, I had a horrible case of constipation. I have never experienced constipation before. But, I was backed up to the point where I felt it was up under my ribs. I threw everything I could at it: apples, salads, prune juice, milk of mag, psyllium fiber, etc. It still took several days after to work itself out. Most recently, another constipation episode of very hard stool which was a nightmare to pass, followed the rest of the day with slight nausea and severe abdominal pain. Each of these three episodes were very different from each other and took a long time to respond to medications. I've been keeping a food diary and cannot attribute it to a particular food. So, with no way to predict and prevent them, I have decided to go off the Contrave. I will be out of the country in the coming weeks and do not want to have an episode there. In all cases, I should have sought medical attention. But for me to go a hospital, I would have to be unconcious and someone would have to call 911. I will still would go back on Contrave for weight reduction in the future as the results were amazing (I've lost about 17 lbs), but will seek medical care if anything severe occurs again.

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