Sandoz Lorazepam & Other Bzds
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These appear to be made by Sandoz USA, judging by the 'Inc.'
I would strongly suggest steering well clear. This company's products bear no relation quality wise to the Sandoz goods made in Switzerland or their smaller facilities in Europe. Look at Sandoz USA Alprazolam 2mg. It is so embarrassingly bad, yet it is dispensed more than any other US generic alprazolam, of which there is only ONE good and ONE acceptable out of the over 50 on the market there. In fact that is probably, with the exception of alp originating in Pakistan, the worst quality of alprazolam I ever had. Or was that Mylan USA? Note, Mylan now have a label in Europe and sell superb alprazolam; almost 2 yrs ago they bought the much bigger MERCK GENERICS of Germany.
Just avoid any drug made by either of these companies in the USA. You are only wasting money. If you can not get the original brand made in USA then I suggest , strongly that you use an International Online Pharmacy, sit back and wait for your delivery (always allow 28 days if you are in the USA and expect perhaps some broken tablets - the USPS for some reason has machines like no other country which often deliver broken or even crushed tablets. Don't ask, I live in the EU and the US is the only place you regularly hear complaints. It is not the sending pharmacy's fault, everything arrives whoke and proper in any other country - it is something weird about the machines used by USPS to process mail.
Tyhe point is, though, if you buy Sandoz, DO NOT BUY SANDOZ USA!!! -'GG249' 2mg bars rate with Pinix and Onax (& Mylan A1 US-made alp) as the worst benzodiazepine sold anywhere I know of and in this case as bad as Pakistan's awful half strength, if you are lucky enough to avoid the counterfeits, especially the fake Roche benzos. They are an honourable company but a check of their manufacturing in PK will reveal within seconds that they do not now, nor have they for 20 years, made benzos in Karachi. All four are fake. In the Indian subcontinent the only licenced Roche benzos are both made by Nicholas Piramal of India and are very good quality, though Torrent's clonazepam and LARPOSE lorazepam, which is by Cipla and only 2mg, not the regular 2.5mg but they work. Never buy ATIVAN brand 2mg. Regular 2.5mg, fine, but 2mg are made in Asia and are foul things which do not even compare to the 1mg we get here, which I have had dispensed mire than once in emergency when my pharmacy has run out of 2.5mg, Metwest generic being my lorazepam of choice. For the ex-Wyeth brands (you must surely know that Wyeth has ceased to exist except as an imprint on long standing meds like LORAMET Lormetazepam, a good alternative to Noctamid? It was swallowed by Pfizer/Upjohn.
The basic message is that Sandoz USA (Inc.) may well be related to the Swiss parent, but the quality of what they produce would certainly get them thrown out of THIS parent's house. Appalling, as with most US made generic benzos. I fail to understand how dreadful the entire US healthcare system is, why normally cheap drugs cost so much, why conpanies like Sandoz USA are allowed to keep selling substandard garbage, how a first world country can have a 3rd world healthcare system with some of the most discriminatory 'rules' I ever heard. How a land of what is supposed to be equal opportunity can harbour more inequality in access to quality healthcare than any other country I know of.
Sorry, I really am angry; my Texan friend is being refused the pain meds she has been on for over ten years, left in a state of cold turkey and not even offered a tsper on a weaker opioid like dihydrocodeine and refused Rx for anything to help the inevitable anxiety and stress this awful, cruel position will cause. My God, no patient should ever have to go through such a thing without explanation. It can also be downright dangerous. Witholding clonazepam 2mg tds is even worse as the withdrawal syndrome from this drug used in status epilepticus could be life threatening. And no doctor can justify under the oath they all take the sufden decision to withdraw a medicine to which she has been habituated knowing the consequencesbof hydromorphone withdrawal. It will become apparent in 6 to 8 hoirs that redosing is needed. What is she meant to do? Turn up at hospital, explain and leave with an emergency prescription, or what? Buy opiates on street corners to ptevent or postpone withdrawals? Go round doors looking for another epileptic who can spare enough meds to prevent an episode?
I give up. I fail to understand how they had an opportunity a year or two back to improve things. Slightly. Not a lot at all, but a little improvement. Voted down by a matter of a vote or two? But why? Any idiot can look at the USA and immediately identify the health problems and the difficulties arising. Madness.

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Thank you and I agree substandard everything in the US.It is disgusting how people are treated here! Our infant mortality rate is horrid!Women and children esp in the south-esp in texas are treated terrible by the US Healthcare system. I am a nurse and I've seen how bad we needed the ACA act- so many people(women) had pre existing conditions and were denied basic care before the ACA act.However Americans need to really quit voting against their own interests,they need to wake up!

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I am very sorry that you're angry and about what is happening to your friend.

However, the way things work right now, as you well know are not actually ideal, but the current laws do let the doctors cut someone off of such medications, because they are not considered life sustaining and, of course, if she is stable and not in any imminent danger at the time they cut her off, then there are no repercussions for them, regardless of what danger the withdrawals may put her in.

And yes, if she goes into dangerous withdrawals, then going to an emergency room for assistance is exactly what they expect her to do. Because at that point, they do have to help her.

Learn more pain management details here.

Why are they cutting her off of the pain medications?

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