Prolia And Tooth Extraction
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I got one shot of Prolia in late December 2022. In February I developed a tooth infection and fracture below the gum line. It needs to be extracted. No one seems to know anything about this. I am so worried about jaw necrosis. Oncologist who gave me the drug said wait at least 3 months, my former oncologist said 2 months. Everything I've read online says to wait the 6 months. But I have an infection and I'm concerned about how that may affect my heart and my dental health. Has anyone had a tooth extracted after one shot of Prolia?

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Regardless of whether or not you can have the tooth removed, yet, you can still treat the infection via antibiotics to keep it from getting worse, and protect your heart, you don't have to let it rage in your. body.

Ref: Antibiotic Information

As to when to get it out, what has your dentist advised? They would be the best person to ask, since you've taken the Prolia, this is something they deal with all the time.

Additionally, if your issue is severe, they may want to remove it immediately, because the necrosis issue is actually a rare occurrence.

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I’ve been having those shots since 2017 and so far had no problems. You’re letter scared me. Sorry to hear about your pain.

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