Prescription Drug Monitoring, Chronic Pain Afraid Of Being Taken Off My Meds
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What the hell is going on with the CDC and FDA telling OUR doctors how to treat our chronic pain. I suffer from severe chronic back pain and have been to rehab, pain clinics for steroid shots and have tried Motrin, Tramadol, Tylenol and the only thing that eases my pain so I can function is Norco 5/325. I take one every 6 hours. According to the CDC that makes me a drug addict. They say it is because that 40 people die every day from opioid overdose but they don't tell you is that illicit substances are part of the problem. I say every one of us who suffers from chronic pain contact the CDC and FDA to tell them that their advice to OUR doctors to prescribe rehab and exercise, and motrin is crap. I don't abuse my pain meds and now is my doctor going to be afraid to prescribe me Norco for fear they may fine him.

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Join the club pal. I called the Medicare quality assurance help line. They don' do opioid s. They just get too many calls. Frankly, nobody cares because even if you started out normal, you been changed. You've been started on a medication that people allow to have two faces. You are a drug addict. Plain and simple. You are being treated like one so get information. Once you get that label just behind it you get crowned as a chronic lier and manipulator. It doesn't matter to these people one wit that you've done everything right and followed the rules. Get ready for them to yank those opioid s from you cold turkey, because haven't you heard, we have an epidemic. Drug addicts like you are dying. Showing my age, it's like Lilly Tomlin at the phone company. "We don't care. We don't have to care".
Do this. Keep records of any and all interactions you have with anyone and your medications. Talk to an attorney now. Get a head start. The lawmakers and providers are breaking constitutional law and people abused like you and so many others are going to get their day in court. It's unfathomable to me it hasn't started yet. Good luck. Don't you dare go to a rehab. That's a snake pit.

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good luck THAT will NEVER CHANGE.....IF U TAKE opiods for pain, u are a junkie.plain n simple, but oh sooo wrong

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I am now being treated like a druggie thanks to the politicians blaming people who take their prescribed pain medications as a potential to OD. Well I have been on 5mg of Norco for 3 years and it is not helping the pain anymore and I wanted to up the dose to 7.5 but doc's are afraid to adjust to dose because they are afraid to be prosecuted for prescribing what the patient needs. What are we going to do?

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