Poslam Ointment Availability
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I have been looking or this product for years. My mother-in-law had the original jar which my husband used sparingly. Because the drug store where they had gotten it from had closed. A friend was able to locate a couple of jars which my son somehow got his hands on and I had not seen it until this past Sunday. I got a small piece of an Easter basket stuck in my finger. It is great for removing things like that, but where can I purchase this product? I live in Illinois near Chicago. Please let me know. Thanks!

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Re: Roy (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Net weight 4/5 oz.
50 cents
Trade Mark

Contains following USP ingredients:
- Sulphur
- Zinc Oxide
- Carbolic Acid ½ of 1%
- Menthol
- Oil of Cade
- Petrolatum
- Salicylic Acid
- Starch
- Anhydrous Lanoline

Relieves itching and burning of Eczema and other minor skin irritations mentioned in circular

Made only for and put up by Emergency Labortories
New York, NY

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Re: Neil (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Can u say what ingredients are? Maybe take a picture and post?

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Re: Neil (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Can you share what ingredients are listed on the old can that you have?

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Re: Kevin (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Poslam is a great salve for "athletics foot" and eczema like skin conditions. I have not been able to locate any drug store in the Norfolk or Virginia Beach area that knows of or has ever heard of the product. I actually found an old can of it at a garage sale and did get a small bit of it which worked great. Sadly, its all gone and the skin problems are back. Am still looking for a "compounding pharmacy" to make more. The ingredients are on the empty can I have.

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Used poslam as a young man. Worked great for skin acne. Not many of my friends knew about it back in the 60s. My mother said the ointment was originally black, but had changed to beige. A secret cure ...

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Hello Joann,

Out of curiosity do you know if poslam ointment was ever sold as a real medicinal product or was it something you could buy over the counter as a herbal remedy like aloe vera products? I ask because I have yet to find any reliable information or whereabouts to purchase a real ointment but I keep finding home made poslam ointments on websites like etsy or amazon. None of these products have reliable information and are very vague about the ingredients.

I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for but give those websites a search and see if any of the products there match what you're looking for. If not I'm sorry but it just doesn't seem to be something that is sold on the medicinal market.

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Where can I find poslam ointment? Is there a website to still purchase it?

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