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Has anyone tried this weight loss pill?

Does it work?

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Thanks for reply.

The advertising film says its "scientifically proven," but I don't know of any studies involving it.

Pills like this always say that they work when combined with a healthy eating plan and exercise. Well a balanced diet and exercise plan will cause most people to lose weight without the pill.

The problem is that a balanced diet and exercise program are difficult to stick to, and time consuming.

Nothing new with this product as far as I can see, and nothing that would cause any dramatic weight lose.

But I still haven't tried it yet, would love to hear from someone who has used it.


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Nuvoryn is an over the counter supplement that is claimed to help with weight loss. I haven't used it, but i did find a list of the ingredients, which are stated to be:

green tea, guarana, damiana, yerba mate, acai, resveratrol, siberian ginseng and pomegranate extract.

Thus, it isn't actually proven to help with weight loss.

Learn more dietary supplement information here.

Is there anything else I can help with?

Has anyone actually tried this product?

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