Mylan Vs Actavas Clonididn Hcl
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Clonidine Mylan Vs Actavis Filed in Clonidine
Hello, I am on clonidine hcl 0.2 mg. twice a day. I started on the Mylan brand and only took it for one month. Then I went to a different drug store and they gave me the Actavis brand. I have been taking the Actavis brand a few months now, but it seemed like the Mylan was better. I just got a new perscription of the Mylan brand again and just took my first pill. Can you all tell me which of these two brands of clonidine hcl work best for you or if you can tell any difference. After I am on the Mylan again for awhile I will post here again and let you know if it is really better then the Actavis. Anything anybody can tell me that have tried both of these brands of this medication would be of great help. Thanks, nora

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Hello! Like yourself I'm Rx'd clonodine 0.2 and I've had it in both MYLAN and ACTAVIS generics and they both SEEM to work the same on me.Also the same drugstore I go to every month seem to switch from mylan to actavis like every other month..I asked why my clonodines always different (all my other meds never change) and they said "we place an order and that's what they send". But no I've never noticed any difference between the two. I take 0.2 in am and 0.2 before bed for high blood pressure.

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Thanks, Verwon for your information. I read a lot of the article you mentioned which has a lot in it. Looks like it is used for a lot of things, but I'm just glad it works on my blood pressure where other medications don't. I only take 0.1 mg. 4 times in a 24 hr. period. It does make my mouth dry, but helps with my anxiety too. The Mylan brand is working a lot better. The Actavis brand seem to make me more tired and just weird feeling. Thanks again, Nora

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Nora, the Clonidine actually isn't a straight blood pressure/cardiac medication like the beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and ARBs are, it's actually much different.

It's a sympatholytic and actually treats quite a few other medical conditions, such as ADHD, anxiety and certain types of pain.

You can learn more Clonidine details here.

And moving on to the next issue, one reason you may have experienced some slight withdrawal effects from it, which can also explain why the one from the other manufactured didn't work as well for you, is because there can be slight fluctuations in the amount of the active ingredient in generic medications.

They measure out to be minuscule amounts and don't usually affect many people, but if you have been taking something for a long time and suddenly get one from a different manufacturer that's slight lower in the amount of the active ingredient, then it can cause problems for you. Some people are just sensitive to medications and any slight change causes them problems.

There is also a chance that you could be sensitive to one of the inactive ingredients, since those can also differ from one manufacturer to another.

Are there any other questions I can help with?

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Kelly, I had the same problem with my Lorazepam. I was on Actavas brand and went to Watson. I finally got used to the Watson and like it better now. With Clonidine I was on Mylan brand and then went to Actavis and back to Mylan now. The Mylan is much better. The Activas made me feel weird. Both have a scarry withdrawl which makes you panic and your face gets hot. You wouldn't expect this from a B/P med. I got the Mylan Clonidine at CVS and I go to a new pharmacy im my town called Westmorland. They told me they will order the Mylan brand for me. They already had the Watson Lorazepam and that is why I changed pharmacys. There is a BIG difference in generic medications. If you like the Actavis better you will have to ask your pharmacy if they can get it for you or do what I had to do and that is call around until you find a pharmacy that uses the brand you like best. Clonidine is the only medication that puts a dent in my high blood pressure. Hope you get it all straightened out.

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I have been taking the Clonidine manufactured by Actavis for 2 months & my pharmacy recently changed to Northstar. He thinks i'm crazy but I swear I feel like a heroin addict going through withdraw now. I said just today, I will switch to another pharmacy (after I question the manufacturer's name) has had me panicked that it's a placebo or something!

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