Mrsa Best Antibiotic
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I am wondering what is the best antibiotic to fight MRSA or a Staph infection? I went to the hospital last night because I had a spot that started out as an ingrown hair and has become repulsive. The doctor wouldn't specifically tell me what it was so I'm not exactly sure what it is. Did some research and I think it is either Staph or MRSA. I am allergic to penicillian... So I was prescribed Bactrim DS 120mg. Just trying to figure out how well it fights infection because in one day it went from not really anything to worry about to scary! I have a hole in my leg today and yesterday it was just a red bump... So it kinda worries me. Need answers ASAP please!

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Thank you Verwon... That helps ease my mind about it! Having a hole in your body where it doesn't belong is scary!

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The Bactrim you were prescribed is usually the preferred choice to treat MRSA.

However, it will take a couple of days to take effect. You shouldn't see any worsening after the first full 24 hours on it and you should start to see improvement after 3 days.

If it continues to get worse after 24 hours, or there is no improvement after 3 days, then you should return to the ER or see your doctor as you may need to try a different antibiotic.

Are there any other questions?

There are more Bactrim details for you to learn here.

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I would try colloidal silver 3 times a day. Saturate the area with the liquid. It is available at any vitamin retailer. If you do require antibiotics, make sure you restore your body's ecosystem with probiotics AFTER the course of anti-biotics or you risk recurring problems or new problems. Probiotics are always a good idea.

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