Metformin Question
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I was prescribed Metformin and was told to take 500 MG twice a day with breakfast and dinner. I am having a hard time remembering to take it with dinner, is it okay to take both at one time?

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Okay thank you! I don't take it because I am diabetic, I take it because I have Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome and I was not sure if it would effect my blood sugar the way it may effect someone who is diabetic. I just wanted a little bit of clarity and some professional advice.

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Hello, Bethany! How are you?

No, it needs to be taken at a different time of day to help gain better control of your blood sugar levels, which is why you were told to take it at breakfast time and at dinner time.

However, if you are having that much of a problem remembering, you should contact your doctor about it. There is a time released formulation of this medication that they may be able to prescribe for you as an alternative, so you'd only need to take it once a day.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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