Lyrica No Help
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I was prescribed Lyrica due to pain and burning on right side from a stroke I had in 2003. M&M candies would have been just as effective. They increased my dose to 600mg per day. All I noticed was weight gain, better urination so it must shrink prostrate gland, it also seemed to effect my male sexuality, it was harder to get aroused for sure. It also shrank the size of my wallet(very expensive) started low dose and went to 600 mg. They wanted me to refill and keep taking, I said no, it was not effective and helped me none at all. I have been using Oxycodone and Hydrocodone for pain and discomfort on my right side. I take Oxycodone during day and Hydrocodone over night (Oxycodone can effect your breathing and I have sleep apnea. Thier concern is my using controlled drugs for pain relief, I understand, but all I want to do is feel half way normal. Oxycodone and Hydrocodone cost me about $8 a month. Lyrica costs me over $100 per month (out of my pocket) the last bottle I got when they wanted me to take 600 mg they dinged my insurance $240 and me about $50. I am not a dibetic either which I think this is aimed at, God bless those folks.

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I agree with the no help from Lyrica as I stated earlier. I also have the burning and discomfort since my stroke, and Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone are the only drugs that give me any relief on my right side since the stroke. I am 59 and I button my own shirts and have all the use of right side (lucky) but was left with the burning and feeling like voltage when I work to hard on my right side like in walking a long ways or mowing my yard. Seems like more weight loss would reduce the discomfort so I don't need something like Lyrica to compound weight issues. Also my metabolism seems to have changed since my stroke and weight does not come off easy. I ride a recumbent bicycle daily for exercise (15 to 20 miles each day). It seems to help the discomfort a little by riding, but I still have to chug one of those controlled drugs for the discomfort.

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Verwon--My father has also suffered a stroke--17 years ago--and he has been having pain on his affected side in the lower back and leg for a few years, with increasing intensity. Recently a doctor he went to for a second opinion prescribed Lyrica, but it made him so dizzy that he had to stop taking it. The doctors haven't been able to locate the source of the pain, and he has difficulty feeling things, so he isn't able to pinpoint an exact source either. He can't have an MRI, at least not until they find out what type of clamp they used on his aneurysm, the original problem. What tests have you been through, and have doc's diagnosed a particular cause of your pain? I am thinking that his is a side effect of nerve damage and muscle spasms. I think his hip may even have been pulled out of alignment from the muscle changes. Any thoughts about this?

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I have been on lyrica gradually increasing to now I am taking 150mg. It does help until it levels off in my system. I do see weight gain as a definite problem since I am considerably overweight now. I was in a car accident last year and have had increasing problems since.

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Thanks for your inputs. My doc sent me to a pain management doctor who is an anesthesiologist during the day etc. etc. He wants me to keep coming back I guess so he can keep his hand in my insurance as well as he is considered a specialist. My opinion is he should have a ducks bill for being such a quack.

I am even willing to try accupuncture at this time. Any experience there?

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