Getting Adjusted To Lexapro
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I started on 10mg of Lexapro exactly a month ago for generalized panic disorder. My first week on it was AWFUL. Really bad side effects. My anxiety was extremely heightened, I felt like I was crawling out of my skin, awful headaches, I was so tired, could barely get out of bed. My psychiatrist prescribed me .5mg of ativan to take as needed every 8 hours for when I'm feeling extra anxious so that made me even more tired once I was getting used to it. On my 8th day or so, the side effects started to ware off more and more every day. I am now a month in, I don't have all those side effects anymore and the ativan doesn't make me sleepy, but my anxiety isn't any better than it was before I started on the medication. I'm still avoiding going places, I feel extremely down and I won't use the word depressed but I am NOT happy and barely feel like talking to my friends or anyone for that matter because its been such a struggle. I don't know if I need to increase my dose or if Lexapro just isn't for me but I see my psychiatrist in a few days so I'm waiting on that. Has anyone else gone through the same thing on Lexapro? Would love to hear some experiences.

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I've heard that Lexapro can take up to several weeks to work as directed. However, my personal opinion is that if one has to wait that long for results then it probably isn't worth it; especially given the sheer magnitude of side effects you've encountered along the way. So If I had to give my vote, I'd say maybe the Lexapro isn't right for you... And there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone reacts/responds to meds differently.

On that note, the following discussion thread contains a review of other patient experiences on Lexapro. Maybe browsing through some feedback there will help shed some light on the variety of effects people are having:


Have you also considered taking a non-medical approach to handling anxiety (such as meditation, deep breathing, changing what you focus your attention on, etc)?

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I have had severe panic attacks after my cancer...and was on various medications all with horrible side effects... I accidentally found a product I had checked out to possibly get help with my sleep.. (passion flower tea). I had at that time a SEVERE panic attack... The person in charge at the store I went to recognized it and suggested a liquid called TRANQUIL tx.... made by INVITE HEALTH. A few droppers in some water: she offered a cup to let me know how it would taste.... pleasant taste.....but what was astounding was that by the time i got home (within one hour or less) my severe panics attack had disappeared... I use to take a 5 mg Valium as needed after all other meds had strong side effects on my and took a long time to work..... (tremendous weight gain/no sleep etc). Valium when needed - worked but it took a few hours at times to work.. Tranquil passion flower extract, chamomile and lemon balm oil.. and for me it WORKS.. faster than Valium without any side effects...even with the worst panic attacks.... you might try it.......I have it in my bag where ever I go.. as you know these attacks come out of the blue... INVITE: stores on the east coast..mainly in NY...but are also online. I am the strongest skeptic when it comes to SUPPLEMENTS etc... but this I must say...has worked for me and others...some use it as a sleep aid, but i use it ONLY for panic attacks... good luck.

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