Fluoxetine Forums (Page 3)

Recently active Fluoxetine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Fluoxetine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I have been diagnosed with dysthymia and have been taking flunil 20 mg daily 1 tablet in the morning since last 6 months. I 've noticed my weight has increased is this related to flunil , since last 6 months I have changed my diet too, I have started drinking milk along with a banana daily, can this be the reason for my weight gain ? or combination of flunil and diet change is behind my weight gain ? please reveal your source, I want to know who is answering my question, whether it is a psychiatrist or some person who has been taking flunil , thanks ! ## I have not taken it, nor am I a doctor of any type, I just have information about prescription medications and I'll provide a link for that medication information. Flunil contains the active ingredient Fluoxetine, which is an SS...

3 REPLIES Updated

i had oleanz starting from dose 20 and my doc stoped it 3 mths ago side by side i was habing prodep-20 too but i stoped it myself and later on my father took me doctor presuming i was habing prodep-20 and doctor said me to continue prodep 20 as i had already 1 month gap so and to cure completly i need to have it 3 mths regularly what kind of disadvanatages it can have on me ? ## Prodep contains the active ingredient Fluoxetine. Side effects associated with its use are listed below: • nervousness • nausea • dry mouth • sore throat • drowsiness • weakness • uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body • loss of appetite • weight ...

5 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking tryptomer 25 for serveral years but due to shortness of breath Doctor adviced me to take lonazep 1mg anf fluoxetine 20. He told me to stop tryptomer 25 but i cannot stop it. I took all the 3 medicines for around 4 months. I am feeling much better now. Then I told doctor that I have headache and constipation, gastro problem. He changed from fluoxetine to sertraline 50. Is there any problem taking lonazep, tryptomer and sertraline 50 togather? ## Tryptomer contains the active ingredient Amitriptyline, it is an antidepressant. And no, it should not be used with Sertraline, because they are the same type of medication. It can cause serious adverse reactions to combine the two, such as Serotonin Syndrome, which can, in some cases, be fatal. Are there any questions or comme...

16 REPLIES Updated

Hi, Ive been on Nuzak for about a month now and i've noticed that i've lost 3kgs. Is this normal or should i be concerned. I really would not want to loose anymore weight as i am 1.72m tall and now weighing only 58kgs. ## Hello, Zoe! How are you doing? Sorry about the weight loss. Nuzak contains the active ingredient Fluoxetine and yes, it can cause weight loss as a side effect. Usually in people that are tiny or underweight to begin with. Learn more Nuzak details here. Please consult your doctor, in some cases, the weight loss has gotten extreme and become dangerous, so you need to be careful. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi Zoe, Just yesterday I consulted my Doctor as I was loosing weight rapidly like 3 kg in one month .. something like you.. I am on something di...

2 REPLIES Updated

i am a 30-year-old woman. I suffer from mood swings and anxiety. My physician prescribedseromex(fluoxetine)10mg. However, i have heard thatseromexmay cause addiction and adverse effects. therefore, i am afraid of starting this medication. I have never used this kind of medications before. My physician did not answer my questions about adverse effects. what is your opinion of starting the medication? is it effective? can you tell me about the possible adverse effects? how many people are experiencing them? are they tolerable? can this medication cause addiction... ... ## This is an SSRI antidepressant, so it is not addictive and the NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and odd dreaming. Any medication that our body gets used to ...

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Dear Pharmacist, I am a 30-year-old woman. I suffer from mood swings and anxiety. My physician prescribed Seromex(Fluoxetine) 10 mg. However, I have heard that Seromex may cause addiction and adverse effects. Therefore, I Am afraid of starting this medication. I have never used this kind of medications before. My physician did not answer my questions about adverse effects. What is your opinion of starting the medication? Is it effective? Can you tell me about the possible adverse effects? How many people are experiencing them? Are they tolerable? Can this medication cause addiction? ## Hello Curly Ann, Thank you very much for asking the proper professional about your recent prescription, you are very smart for asking the pharmacist. The best person to ask would be the pharmacist you use...

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I have been taking fluoxetine for approximately 4 & ½ yrs now. If I stop taking them will I have any side effects / withdrawal symptoms? ## You might, the NIH lists the withdrawal effects as possible including nausea, dizziness, headache, rebound depression, and anxiety. Why are you stopping it? ## I don't feel like im benefiting from my medication, I seem to be stressing out over nothing, my doctor has also prescribed mirtazapine to take of a night as I have terrible sleeping patterns, (I suppose I need to speak with my doctor) but all she seems to say is we'll increase your dosage) thankyou for your reply

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I took Fluoxetine for 3 weeks last month. The side effects were too unbearable to manage. Every single day I felt nausea, dizzy, foggy headed, blurred vision, more anxious and panicky as ever, constantly tired all the time, bad insomnia, and rapid heart rate. I decided at week 4 to quit cold turkey. I noticed after a few days of not taking the med, I surprisingly felt better. I haven't so far experienced any withdrawal symptoms. My energy has returned, most of my side effects has gone away, and for some reason I'm functioning well without it. It's weird, but I think it's a blessing. Now what is weird to me is that I let my doctor know that I quit the med. I told her what I experienced everyday taking the med, and that I just couldn't take it anymore. Of course she ad...

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How long should I take prodep 10? ## Am 43yr old woman had panic disorder 14yrs back.been prodep20and clonotril.5since then.not able to get off the drugs.is it safe to take them life long as a maintainence dose life long ## is prodep useful in curing nervious thoughts,pls let me know as soon as possiable,bcoz em suffering from thoughts occurs in my mind in evry hr,which makes my mind disturb...thank u ## Prodep contains the active ingredient Fluoxetine, it is an SSRI class antidepressant. Only you and your doctor can decide how long you should use it, however, due to mental health issues, there are many people who do have take a medication like this for the rest of their lives. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and weight gain. Learn more: asma, it may help w...

9 REPLIES Updated

Where can I find this generic fluoxetine? Where I live, every Pharmacy around has quit carrying this drug for depression. But it is the one genetic fluoxetine, only, that works the best for me. Does anyone know where to find this generic fluoxetine. Would appreciate the help to locate this medication. Thanks ## Same question as before, where can I find fluoxetine 4346 40mg? It is a turquoise or blue capsule generic form of Prozac. ## Hello, Lisa! How are you? I'm sorry, but there is no listing of which pharmacies carry a medication from any given manufacturer that I can refer to for you. Which pharmacy do you use regularly? They may be able to order it in for you. Side effects to this medication may include nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. ## No. They do continue to manufa...

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I'm on 10mg of aripiprazole and 40mg fluoxetine. I was feeling suicidal before. Is this medication going to help? I've been feeling realy down. I want to feel better and feel happy again. ## Is there anyone who is feeling same. I feel whether or not to carry on taking these meds its only recently my consultant put my aripiprazole up from 5 to 10mg because my moods have been so low but i keep thinking it might be them that might be making me feel worse ## These medications may help, but it could take 4 to 5 weeks, before you see how much they will work for you, according to the NIH. It is normal for such medications to sometimes cause you to feel a bit worse, before you start to feel better, other side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mout...

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necesito saber si alguien que a usado este producto ADIPOTRIM XT a experimentado cambios en su estado de animo, mal humor, reacion arrogante caracter explosivo ect. ?? ## No lo he probado y de lo que he encontrado, está listado como un suplemento natural de la pardida de peso. Sin embargo, es justo decir que cualquier cosa que pueda afffect su cuerpo de esta manera, en esencia, tiene que acelerar su metabolismo y puede causar este tipo de sa­ntomas. ¿Ha hablado con su madico acerca de i? ## no es a mi personalmente q me esta pasando es solo varias personas e buscado informacion de los ingredientes q indica el frasco y todo es natural y no causan estos sintomas pero a ciencia cierta no se sabe si en realidad lo q dice el frasco sea lo q contenga la capsula ## S...

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I have been on nuzak for about eight day's for anxiety. If anything i am worse. Can barely function or get out if bed.Should i persevere as i desperatly want some quality of life back. ## Hello, Juliet! How are you? Nuxak is list as containing the active ingredient Fluoxetine and it is normal for things to worsen for a few weeks, before it reaches its full level of efficacy in the body and starts alleviating such symptoms. I've found that it usually takes about 3 weeks. The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. If things don't improve after a couple weeks, then you should consult your PCP as it may not be the right medication to help you. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi, I have been on Nuzak for ab...

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I have had depression since 2nd week of December last year. First of all the general practitioner put me on following combination i.e. fluoxetine, tripiline (spelling?) and sleeping tablet (Zolpidem). 3 months ago I went to a Psychiatrist due to bad insomnia. He put me on Mirteron, starting with 15mg, month later increased it to 30mg, and last month to 45mg – these I take at night 21h00pm. At 22h00pm I take a Zolpidem sleeping table (10mg). My sleep is average 4-5 hours (22h00pm – 03h00am). My depression has shown an increase but not desired effect. Therefore the psychiatrist prescribed Venlor 75mg. After taking my 1st tablet yesterday morning (08h00am), I felt so drugged, and I have no emotions whatsoever. Is this normal? I just want to make sure before I phone my psychiatrist


Can this medication cause severe heartburn. I've taken it for about a week, with no problems. And now i just took one and i have a had severe heartburn for about 40 min. Debating if its that or a heart attack. ## Hello, Mandy! How are you? A heart attack does not feel like heart burn. However, any time that you're in doubt, rather than posting on a free website and waiting for an answer, it is always best to consult a doctor. All medications carry the risk of causing heart burn, GERD and etc., especially if you don't take them with a full, 8 ounce glass of water. How are you feeling, now? ## I'm taking the exact same like, same dosage as well and I'm feeling the same hell as you are.. but you should talk to your doctor about changing your meds because it's a horr...

4 REPLIES Updated

I'd like to know what this is. It's a capsule full of white powder Labeled two times with GG515 Thanks for your help! Blessings, Nancey ## Hello, Nancey! How are you? What color is the capsule? The closest one that I could find to this marking has GG 575 on it twice, it's manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 10mgs of Fluoxetine, which is a generic for Prozac. It is an SSRI antidepressant that is also used to treat anxiety and perimenopause symptoms. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight loss.

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I am taking 1,000mg a day of metformin. I walk everyday. Can I take adipotrim xt? ## Hello, Anna! How are you? Adipotrim XT was just a supplement product and it was actually found to not live up to its claims to aid in weight loss. There were so many complaints and problems that the manufacturer issued a voluntary recall in 2013, which is listed with the FDA and they later removed it form the market entirely. It was also found to contain an undeclared drug ingredient, Fluoxetine, which is an SSRI antidepressant that may be dangerous for some people to take. The only places it is available now is on the secondary market, via people that stocked up, before stores ran out. Thus, I really have to advise that you stay away from it. If you need to lose weight, your doctor should be able to he...

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Hi, I suffeer from absolutee Major Depression. This could be due to PTS, but nit sure. Becuase of this depression I take too many pain killers (codein). I am now starting my 3rd week with Fluxotene 20mg. Please tell me it can work as I am suffering tremendously. Please! ## Hello, Emispi! How are you? This medication has successfully helped many people, but the only way to see if it will work for you is by taking it a couple more weeks to find out. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. Has there been any improvement, yet? ## Just be aware thatif you are older...over 60 fluoxine ( luvox) can cause a problem w blood sodium which can affect balance.. halucinations and if given certain meds for low blood sodium you can get per...

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I have just come from the doctor now and she prescribed Alzam 0.25 mg and says I must take half a tablet when needed. I went to her to discuss full blown menopause which is what I have. The symptoms are very extreme with me having severe headaches and feeling very emotional at times. Some times I feel a little down in the dumps and I would cry. These are all symptoms of menopause including insomnia, irritability, mood swings, hot flushes and night sweats amongst other things. I am so skeptical about filling out this script, especially after reading how habit forming the drug is. Also the withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it. I don't like the side effects of the drug as it will make me feel exactly the same as I'm feeling now. Maybe even worse! Any advice out there for men...

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1 capsule in morning for mood swings ## guidelines ## Fluoxetine, a generic for Prozac, is an antidepressant. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and headache. You can read more here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## I'm starting a combo of wellbutin 150mg and prozac 20mg. I'm daignosed with PTSD and depression. After years of benzodiazapines I fear that these 2 meds won't help...

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