Feeling Sick After Jadelle Removal
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I have been feeling weak and having palpitation since I removed jadelle on august 17, 2017. I used it for 9months before removal. I have done ECG and heart extray, everything normal. My period came September 29 and October 31 for five days respectively, since 31st of October till date no menstration. Please what is the cause, all pregnancy test till date are negative. What can I do as my pulse rate is still high, pulse rate114 when I checked last. Please help not easy to cope

2 Replies

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Since Jadelle is a hormonal contraceptive, it can be normal to experience some irregularities, after it is removed, which can include all the symptoms you've described, according to NIH studies. You may also experience weight loss, spotting, and mood changes.

Follybabe, when are you checking your pulse rate? It should go up during and after activity. What is your resting heart rate?

Are either of you on any other medications?

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I had my jadell on for two years and months after I removed it days ago I started running temperature,having headaches, runny stomach and vomiting is that supposed to be happening???i need to know

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