Eliquis 5mg
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Experienced dizzyness, headache, unusual weakness with initial start of Eliquis 5mg
tab. Will be put on 2.5mg strength. Can my supply of 5mg Eliquis be split and used
up as 2.5mg?

13 Replies

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At direction of my Cardiologist I been using Eliquis for eight years with dosage of 5mg twice daily. Two years ago my semi annual blood tests indicated elevated Creatinine level. The Doctor coordinating with.the Hospital Medical dosage pharmacy doctor and it was determined that my dosage be reduced to 2.5mg twice daily. The next semi annual blood tests indicated my lowest Creatinine to date.
So the decision was to again increase dosage to 5mg twice daily. Now 90 days later new tests this week showed increase in Creatinine to a level allowing for another dosage reduction to 2.5mg. However that could again cause a new spike Creatinine level.
Tomorrow when meeting with my Doctor my question to him after he recommends reducing dosage would be as follows;
Would it be possible to reduce the dosage to
3.75 mg twice daily. That would mean somd fancy cutting; some pills in half 2.5mg ea and others in thirds of approx 1.30 mg. Obviously the cuts could total dosages of 3.75 mg and be plus or minus exactly 3.75 mg
I would suggest testing every 30 days for 90 days.
Throughout all the dosage changes my Gramular Filtration levels remained static
Would this be something my Doctor could consider or tell me Im nuts !?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

my doctor recommends ablation but wants me to take higher dose of eliquis blood thinner leading up to procedure However that caused me severe nosebleeds in the past Any suggestions?

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Cardiologist said to take 2 baby aspirin with Eliquis. Instructions in package says NOT to take aspirin with Eliquis. I am worried. I am just 2 days new to this Eliquis. This scares me. I am starting off with 2 1/2 Eliquis twice a day rather than 5 mg twice a day prescribed since I am not certain how it will react in my body. Any comments for me please?

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As I've said many times before about this medication Eliquis what s one mans meat is another mans poison.
Of course many people will write and say how good this drug is for them BUT I can only tell you the symptoms that I have personally suffered.
Since starting Eliquis it began with blood in the urine then headaches which both calmed down next I was spitting blood but doctor said it was acidity but I know it's not.
I was having routine 4 monthly dental check ups told the dentist and it was nothing related to dentistry so I decided I would talk to Pharmacist and must say there was a reluctance to come clean so once again I decided to leave it.
I lie in bed covered in perspiration after having taking medication 3 hours can't get back to sleep and for the tinnitus well that's something else and all this I didn't have before I might add.
How I suffer from Spinal Stenosis this is NOT through taking the drug but slowly since starting it I can't tell you what I am suffering there wouldn't be anything in the dictionary to describe it.
I take tablet 8-30p.m and by bedtime my feet and back are burning so I stick them out the bed I sleep on average 3 hours pernight.
Next tablet 8-30 a.m by lunchtime the tips of my fingers feel they have been in the freezer and look reddish blue.
During the first few hours of having tablet there is the constant peeing but that does settle down.
But now for the mother of all complaints a feeling of burning all over scalp and temple area it is truly awful and hair is now falling out.
I am about to go on holiday and when I return I will make a point of visiting my doctor as this drug has definitely caused the problems I have stated they are not made up and I would love to hear if anyone else has similar symptoms.

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Re: Coolchge (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Ive been taking eliquis for 2 and half years, never had any side effects, actually i never felt better. like the last poster, I put my trust in God.

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Re: Patrick (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I've had no trouble with any Eliquis side effects
. I split the 5 into two 2.5s. It's much cheaper that way.

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Re: Johnb (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Been taking Eliquis --1 year now and am having many side effects....Be very Careful what you put your trust in
The Best thing to happen is ---- Now I pray more, trust God better And am very observant to what happens in and around me

Anotherwards just reduced from 2 pills a day to 1.... Will start taking 1/2 morn...1/2 night
Seems like it's helping

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I have been on Eliquisfor 4 months. My hair is falling out big time, I am dizzy, have fallen a few times. I feel drugged most of the time. I used to be full of energy, felt good all the time. I have been on Warfarin, and Xeralto before. I have to get off Eliquis or cut in half. I have AFIB.

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I've been on Eliquis for more than four years following open heart surgery for atrial fib resulting in tachycardia. I had an atrial septal defect. I've not had any negative issues. I started on 5mg and was reduced to 2.5 for the last two years. Still do construction work daily and haven't noticed any of the side effects mentioned.

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I've read where you can crush eliquis tablets. can I safely cut 5mg tablets in half to take as a 2.5 dose?

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Sorry what was the final verdict, did the doctor allow the 5 mg talets to be split? some websites state "should not split" but not !

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Hi everyone;
Thank you for any replies, I have been on cartia for some time now as have a/fib, had a TIA a couple of weeks ago now Dr`s want me to take Elequis 5mg twice a day.
Must admit a bit scared about it and its side effects.. also how much time I need to be off cartia before taking new drug.
Thanks , John

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Hello, hpask! How are you?

Yes, that should be safe to do, since it is not time released, but you may want to double check with your pharmacist to be certain.

This medication may cause you to bruise more easily, as well as increase your risk of bleeding.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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