Effects Due To Overdose Of Restyl
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What will happen if someone overdoses on Restyl? Will that person die or be in a coma? Plz let me know what the possible side effects are.

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What will happen if 30 restly 0.5 mg taken at one time...and how much time taking to going coma

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How many pills required to die please give reply and one more thing is are my parts like eyes, kidneys useful after my death

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My friend was in depression with love failure I saw 35 tabs 0.5mg if he used what first we Wi'll do

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I take 15,30,45,60,90 (90 is my maximum) when I'm totally depressed. Today I took 75, 0.50mg. I started taking restyl when I tried many psychiatrists and their treatments. If a psychiatrist's advice to a patient is to carry on the prescribed medication for years together, that advice itself kills the faith in the patient. And, the prescribed medication, they have a ton of terrible side effects along with the symptoms the patient already has due to depression for years together. And I'm a PTSD patient since years. Can u find me a solution.

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what will happen if i take 5 tablets of restyl 0.5mg AT a time

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If a person consume 60 citizen tablet then what wil be effect, will that person will die,
how much time it will take

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If a person consume 60 citizen tablet then what wil be effect

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What will happen if 30 restly taken at one time

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If I take 21 restyl (0.25mg) tab at a time. If I will die. I am 17 year old. II had a good body conditions.

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what happen if i take 50 tablets of restyle 0.5 mg at a time

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How to treat person after TAKING 15 mg of restyl .5 mg&trement

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me one time 15 tablet how was result

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if a person Takes restly. 25 mg 30 tablets by how much time we can save hi life

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my cousin female had taken 20 pills of 0.5mg restyl .now taking to hospital ..what wil b her condition wil it be serious her age is 20 and weights up to 55-60 kg with 4'10 height

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I've just taken 15 tablets of restyl. 5 tablets of 0.5 mg and 10 tablets of 0.25 mg. I'm 15 years old. What will be the side effects of it? Please let me know. Will it cause death? I'm an indian. Btw.

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one of my friend attempted for suicide and has consumed 30 tablets of restyl before a week and treatment was not given and she is fine but few side effects just like dry cough with sputum and inconvenience in stomach.. So what medication should be given to here to get into normal health..

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is there any side effect taking off 2 to 3 tablets a day

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Restyl contains the active ingredient Alprazolam, which is a Benzodiazepine and it really depends on the dosage of the tablets, the person involved and how their body reacts to the drug.

Learn more Restyl details here.

Death is a possibility, but there's also a chance they could just end up very sick for awhile, or doing permanent damage to their bodies that they have to then deal with and suffer from.

Please do not take that many tablets at once.

Are there any other questions?

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