Clonidine False Positive
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I am a counselor at a ministry for addiction and need to know if clonidine will test positive for Benzo's.

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Re: Brook (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Apparently you know NOTHING about how medicine can cross react and cause false positives do your research before you jump on here knowing absolutely nothing just because it’s not a benzo itself it indeed will cause a false positive

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Re: Robert (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Yes clondine will make you test positive for benzo I just went through the same thing make them send it to the lb for her

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Re: julia (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Yes clondidne will cause a false positive for benzodiazepines I just went through it at my methadone clinic first hand I took a bunch of them at once more than I should have and tested the next day and it was positive for benzodiazepines. They sent it to the lab and everything

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I am on Clonodine and get a false positive all the time. They won’t even send my drug test off because they know it’s the Clonodine. Now if they suspect I might be taking a BENZO then they would send it off. If you don’t believe me call lagecy behavioral health in Valdosta ga and ask for Kayla. The nurse in the back

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Re: Better safe than sorry (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I could lose my children due to false positives from Clonidine. They sent it off so I k ow when it's analyzed at the lab all they will find is Clonidine. So I'm hoping that's what saves my ass. My soon to be ex husband got us into this mess. And now I have to bust my ass off to get them back. If they wanna play with me on this Clonidine I will hire an amazing lawyer they will not get away with saying I test positive for benzos when I have never even taken them in my life. I'm only prescribed Clonidine and Suboxone. And that's all I take. So all in all hopefully the lab will sort that out for me. It's been a nightmare.

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Re: Robert (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Muscle relaxers like roboxsin and some ssri inhibitors like zoloft can cause false positives my guess is it was the combo of the 2

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I tested positive for Benzos while on nothing but clonidine and Suboxone. Something in clonidine relates a false benzo positive. Idk how but it does.

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Yes it absolutely can and does!!! I am a pain management patient screened every month for 10 years. I’ve never taken anything not prescribed and never had a positive test for anything I was not supposed to take...until I took Clonidine. It gave a false positive for Benzos on the urine test. I freaked, then did my research and found this happens, my doctor sent it off to the lab and it was confirmed it was indeed a false positive. However, had I not had a doctor who knew me so well and knew that was not something I would do, I could have lost my care. People rely on the urine assay and sadly it happens more than people realize. Just because a medication “does not have” the ingredient in in, does not mean it can’t trigger a false positive. It does not do it for everyone either. In researching I found the people having false positives sometimes shared common factors, one being high blood glucose levels while not being high enough for a Diabetes diagnosis. I do have PCOS, so I have way too much insulin my body won’t use and high blood sugar levels, so I wonder if that’s why it happens with me. I only took Clonidine a week and had one pill left, so I did a test. After 3 months of not taking it I took a U/A test and was negative for benzos of course. After the negative result I took the remaining Clonidine tablet I had left, and did a urine test the next day. No surprise it showed positive for benzos again. I recommend having your own testing done and documented at a reputable lab if you take clonidine and the results will affect your life. Yes it is an expense, but the cost is far greater relying on flawed assay tests. There have been several lawsuits that have led to changes in some states, but still the system is so flawed. Knowing there are people who have lost their medical care and some are in prison for false positives due to clonidine is heart breaking.

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Just tested positive for barbiturates (phenobarbitol specifically when they sent it to the lab), but I have never taken or even knew what a barbiturate is. The only medicine it could possibly be is clonodine, but none of the doctors believe me.

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Re: Robert (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Zoloft will test positive for Benzo. Just went through this at the treatment center I'm at.

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Re: Bill (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Please dont rely on one answer because the person may come across as educated. I can tell you from personal experience that it is possible that clonidine can cause a false positive for benzodiazepine. I have been on clonidine before and had no problem causing a false positive on a urine drug test but recently the clonidine has indeed caused a false positive. I am not sure what the reason is as I know clonidine isn't a benzo.

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Re: Jn2013 (# 1) Expand Referenced Message
I didn't think that clonidine could cause a false positive from benzos because I have been on it while getting drug tested before and had no problem, but recently I have taken benzos and was showing positive for well over a month. Finally when the benzos were out of my system and I wasn't showing positive anymore I got back on clonidine for anxiety and unfortunately I started showing positive for benzos and there is absolutely no other possible reason I should be. I just wanted to share that due to the fact that it is first hand experience and not a hypothetical question. Thank you very much.

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Re: Kenny (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

My phone sucks so my spelling is off but in a nutshell I take Suboxone and I'm testing positive for benzos and I don't know why also take clonidine and cardizem and a multivitamin also want to know how long valium can stay in your system because when I was in detox that's what they prescribed me but that was months ago so I don't understand why it's still showing up I don't know if it's my weight I'm 245 lb or what can somebody please help me I'm stressed out over it

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I'm currently in treatment for crack alcohol and heroin needless to say I've been clean from the mall but I've been testing positive for benzos and I don't know why I don't take that I am on Suboxone cardizem for my heart clonidine for anxiety multivitamin daily my Suboxone uses over 8 mg a day so can anyone tell me why I'm testing positive for benzos

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So bill what was the outcome for your patient on the clonidine.....did they test negative?

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Re: Chris (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Clondine is not a benzo at all! Nor does it share the same ingredients. It is a blood pressure medication

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I know this is a very old thread but if your a counselor for addiction treatment then you need to be educated before you go perecting innocent people. That is the worst thing you can do to an addict who is getting clean.

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I promise to you that clonodine dies indeed cross react with a benzos test and cause a false positive. There are many many drugs that cross react causing false positives, many of them otc. You need to do your research instead of trusting the ignorant guy that responded to you.

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I am checking the web for my wife she was sent to jail today for testing positive for BENZO and all she takes is Zoloft,Dicyclomine,Robaxin,CLONIDINE HCL please help if anyone knows for sure if any of these would show positive for BENZO in a urine test my three small children's future is in danger

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Bill how or what was the outcome on the CLONIDINE did it test positive for BENZO ???

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