Can't Go Through The Side Effects Being On Citolapram For 3 Days Only!
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3rd day of taking citalopram and am in the worst state ever! I haven't eaten for 2 days, been sick, can't sleep. Feeling suicidal, very depressed, feel like my head is going crazy. Had the past 2 days off work. The worst feeling of heightened anxiety. Phoned nhs direct and been back to the doctor today. No help and both said it was up to me if I wanted to stop! Any advice?

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I have been on it for 2 days and have felt the worst side effects ever...complete exhaustion, listless, confused, muscle twitching, stomach cramps, headache, gagging, yawning, insomnia...I chose not to take it tonight and I am calling the dr again tomorrow. Not sure I can make it through the 2 weeks to see if it will work. First night took 20mg, last night took 10mg. I felt so down on myself today because I did absolutely nothing all weekend.

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u r kidding me . i had 2 heart attacks n 2002 & died twice had 2 be shocked back 2 life. was told i had 95% blockage n 1 artery at 45yrs of age. they told me when 2 stints were put n me that when the heart that was starved 4 blood 4 so long that when it got the blood it could not handle it & stopped beating. drs. had 2 shock me twice & when i got 2nd jolt i screamed out n agony & was back alive.strange thing about the whole ordeal i never had any pain until i was shocked the 2nd time. thnx 4 the info. i go back 2 dr.on the 8th of jan.13 & i will question her about celexa 20 mg

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after being on celexa for 10 yrs I was taken off it because according to MGH in Boston it causes permanent heart damage. talk to your psyche.

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I commenced the medication in January this year, felt the same way as you, I decided to have two weeks off work away from everyone and just read a good book or two. I am so pleased that I stayed with it. I feel the best I have in years. It has been a rotten year of stress and intense workloads, and I have breezed through. The edge is certainly off my anxiety, and if I feel sad these days it is for a good reason and lasts as long as any good cry ought to. Please take some time off, some no thinking, read a good book and stick with it.

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Stick with it! It takes about 2 weeks for side effects to quieten down but totally worth it. It gets better I can assure you

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There are warnings in the drug monograph that it can have the opposite of its intended effect in some people.

Learn more Citalopram details here.

If you're experiencing increased depression and suicidal thoughts, then you shouldn't continue to take it. There are other medications you can try.

Have things improved for either one of you?

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i was the same and am the same trying to up my dose been on it 7 weeks side effects do go away after abt ten days tho 10 mg worked well and fast on depression struggling with anxiety at ten trying 15 but having a hatd time with se as you are im already tiny and cant afford to lose weight not eating but i need the meds help b strong its hard but even on 10 ive had glimmers of hope

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