Can Azo Pms Possibly Cause For Meth False Positive In A Urine Test
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My wife was Hospitalized due to a Heart condition and now her urine is coming back popped for Methamphetamine. She does not do Meth but took AZO PMS instead of Benadryl. Can anyone answer this?

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Will azo cause a false postive for benzo as well?

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I wouldn't be surprised if AZO PMS was the cause of the false positive, as there are an increasingly large number of over-the-counter products that are responsible for bringing about a false positive for Meth and other like-drugs.

At this point in time, the best advice I can offer is that your wife can try to dispute her case by getting re-tested with a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. This method has the ability to distinguish the exact substance in question, but is not initially performed because of cost. However, it is often a follow-up option for those facing serious consequences such as a job loss or jail time. I think companies who don't use this method right off the bat are just too scared to spend a little extra money for the right results.

I hope this info helps!

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