Aristocilin Ampicillina 500 Mg. (mexican)
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I'm taking it for a urinary tract infection.. How often should it be taken? And can these cause problems if over the expiration date? (AP13 Ju 10 - Jun 16.) Thank you.

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Just wanted to know if Aristocilin 500 mg, helps with a infection in the (tooth) gum line..notice a small ball of blood or pus ?

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Hi Kt,

In my experience, antibiotic dosing regimens are typically determined by the severity and type of infection you're dealing with; so I would encourage you to discussion this with your doctor or pharmacist before moving forward.

However, whenever I've been prescribed ampicillin or amoxicillin (500 mg), it's dosing was recommended to me at intervals of every 8 hours - or three times daily.

Concerning the expiration date, I personally wouldn't take expired antibiotics (unless it's only been a few months max), but do know that the dates listed are generally "arbitrary" and do not actually indicate that the medication is suddenly ineffective at that time. It may just mean that it's not at its best. And when it comes to antibiotics I think you want to make sure they are at their best in order to mitigate possible risks of building antibiotic resistance to certain infections.

Hope this helps!

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