Will Fentanyl Show Up In Drug Test As An Opiate (Page 2)
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Man the amount of people who have no clue what they are talking about yet spitting advice on it like they are an expert is bewildering. NO FENTANYL does not show up as an opiate on any test anywhere. In fact the only things that will show up as an opiate are morphine, codeine, and heroin and that is because heroin and morphine metabolize into morphine. Not even oxycodone or hydrocodone can be detected as an opiate they have to be specifically tested for as they metabolize differently, same with methadone, methadone has to be specifically tested for, it will not show up as anything but methadone. So unless the test you are taking is specifically testing for fentanyl then you will be fine. The question is whether or not the test you are taking is testing for fentanyl. I have yet to see a piss test that does test for it. Even if they sent it to a lab for testing they would have to tell the lab what to look for and that they specifically want to know if fentanyl metabolites are present. Anyone that tells you anything different from this has no clue what they are talking about or how opiates and their derivatives are detected after use. Drugs that have been taken are detected by looking for what they metabolize into, in the body and no two drugs metabolize the same unless they are from the same base as I explained in the beginning. Codeine, opium, heroin, and morphine are all detected as opiates because they are all made from opium. An opioid is not made from opium, they just have a somewhat similar structure and create the same effect by binding to the same receptors, but they in no way metabolize into the same metabolites which is essentially the by product of the chemical after the body has processed it. Hope this helps anyone who needs accurate information not just the random ramblings of nonsense.

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Re: AnnieFox (# 253) Expand Referenced Message

If they knew exactly what you took then obviously they tested for fentanyl specifically. The original question was does it show up as an OPIATE. It does not. It's not even an opiate. It's an opioid. Different metabolites, Different test.

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Re: Annie (# 249) Expand Referenced Message

Ok, I am back here to give an update on my question that was, "Does fentanyl show up as an opiate on drug test?" I asked that question because I thought it had to show up as an opiate or an opioid. I am in pain management and had run out 3 days before my appointment. My husband had some fentanyl patches. He stopped using them so I used one to ward off withdrawal. I listened to the advice I found on here that it wouldn't show up, it had to test specifically for fentanyl. I got BUSTED big time! They knew exactly what I'd taken!. I still don't know what it shows up as but I do know this: If I am doing something I shouldn't and come on the internet for advice, don't be a FOOL! No one knows what they are talking about on here, not a doctor, not a pharmacist, NO ONE!!! One thing is for certain! You are going to get busted!

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I've heard that lyrica and sometimes vyvanse show up for cocaine.

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You are sadly mistaken oxycodone hydrocodone do show up as opiates in a drug test Just in case somebody believed it and thought they could get away with that both of those show up as opiates guaranteed

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Re: wendy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

He was right and you are wrong. Why are you spreading lies to people? You say your a pharmacist...you should know this stuff. You're probably just a pharmacy tech which is nothing more than a glorified pill counter.

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Fentanyl showed up as heroin on my drug test. I go to a pain management clinic and I had Fentanyl for a surgery a week before. The doc said Fentanyl shows up as heroin category. Crazy.

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Hey my feonsay wore a fentanyl patch for a little less then 8 hours. If they happen to test for it how long will take to get out of his syatem?

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Re: Wendy (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

You say you're a pharmacist yet have never heard of Tramadol??? I call on your bs..just a critical care nurse for 36 yrs, never gave pts Tramadol, specializing in intensive care, but it's been around for YEARS. We use a lot of fentanyl, morphine, propofol, midazolam drips but extremely rare that we give a po med, as IV is much easier to control for pt safety and effectiveness.

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Re: Lookingfortherightanswer (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

Now everyone can speak scientific terminology so for those who choose to pick on other people for there spelling at least make it in Laymans terms LOL.

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Re: wendy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

He absolutely does know what he is talking about in so far as urine tests and what they look for, in order to find say, fentanyl - the lab would need to be instructed as to what to look for, as far as what is considered an opiate, opiates, originally derived from the poppy plant, have been around for thousands of years. Some opiates come from the raw, natural opium form, while other opiates are manufactured to have the same chemical structure as the raw opium.

Opiates include a variety of drugs ranging from legal drugs such as fentanyl, codeine, and morphine to illegal drugs such as heroin. There are three classifications of opiates. The first group is a naturally occurring opium derivative including morphine. The second group contains partially synthetic derivatives of morphine called opioid drugs such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, and oxymorphone. The third group contains synthetic compounds like fentanyl, alfentanil, levorphanol, meperidine, methadone, codeine, and propoxyphene.

As far as tests, elemental is absolutely correct, fentanyl will not show up as an opiate - it cannot appear as something it is not, a second more conclusive (and costly) test must be done to find specifics such as fentanyl. If anyone doubts this information or what elemental has explained I suggest you leave these pages and just look it up - I got my information from CAMH.

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Re: Xanther (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Hoping u r right about this bc I was on Opana (oxymorphone) for years now, & have never tested positive for opiates or morphine. But just got switched to Fentynal 75mcgrm/hr. So hoping it's the same on any random I am given. But at least when/if I want to i can switch back to the Opana..

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Re: wendy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I just took a 15 panel test and fentanyl did not show up as an opiate.

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I think you are spot on. Other who msg. Said we are wrong. He's wrong, I have a very sophisticated test, and only if they ask for the specific metabolites, it doesn't show up. I do believe soon it will be added to test because it's becoming a used drug. Thanks, was just trying to get a 2nd on that.

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Re: Tommyc (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi that guy is tottaly wrong im on probation and take tests i. Prescribed opiotes and they test for that along w morphine morphine shows up as morphine not a opiote and yes hes right about the herion showing up as morphine csuse it does break down to morphine

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Re: pricelessaura (# 234) Expand Referenced Message

Narcotic anti-anxiety meds.. Xanax, Valium, Ativan, or Clonipin. People have different opinions but I think benzo's are so much more dangerous than pain pills. Within the first month off taking them as prescribed I had a full blown grand mal seizure for the first time in my life at age 30. Apparently my doses were too far apart and it threw me into withdrawals and that's what happened. The only 2 drugs you can die withdrawing from are alcohol and benzo' s. I hope other people that have anxiety issues and are thinking about taking medication for it read this first. There are other medications that are not addictive, not narcotic and do not have life changing withdrawal effects.

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I have been clean for 6 months, fentanyl showed up in my urine screen. I haven't used at all. Two people before me as well. For Talbert house.

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Every time I take a drug screen at my p m doctor Percocet shoes up I'm on norco. They send it to the lab it always comes back as not in my system. They finally stop sending it off What would cause this

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I show Percocet in my system every time my p m doctor test me I'm on norco he sends it to the lab and it shows I don't have it in my system he finally quit sending it because of the cost. What would cause this problem

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Not trying to argue, I agree with you on the fentanyl not showing up, but I have failed several drug test for opiates after taking oxycodone and hydrocodone. Why is that I wonder?

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Re: Tommyc (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

He is WRONG. I take vicodin and i always pop positive for opiods. Ive had 3 POs and each time they test me first time. They say i have opiates. Then i show my script for norco and they say "oh that's why". And no I'm not using any other drugs.

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