What Does A Sweat Patch Test For (Top voted first)


does the patch can test for alcohol

11 Replies

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Go to the actual pharmchem drug patch website. The patch only screens for a 5 panel meaning it test for 5 types of drugs which are: marijuana, amphetamines, opiates, cocaine, and pcp. I've had the drug patch on for 4 months and i've drank alcohol while on it, they do not test for alcohol.

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So far no!! I drank lots but they only found all the other drugs in my system lol! I even cleaned (TRIED) with alcohol and put it back still came back dirty for everything but the booz bra!! I mean f*** I honestly did the hair dryer thing and all f***ing cleaning skin and kept the patch off till 3 days before delivering it and cleaned it as well as my skin; still dirty! F*** that thing! But your cool with the booz.

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Are you sure I'm thinking if drinking a beer but still a little iffi about it

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Will methamphetamine show on a sweat patch?

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Yes please research the breakdown of the drug all the way down the metabolites. That's what the tests test for, the byproduct of the drug. I did for years in prison and 3 years probation and just got off about a year ago. That s*** sucks. State paper ain't s***. The feds get you. Don't take the chance, if you build a good relationship with your probation officer they start to leave you alone.

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That is a completely different kind of alcohol, they use isopropyl alcohol it is ethanol that is tested for.

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R u serious? I thought they did are they all the same?

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Oh ya the technician at Pharm Tech is going to tell you yes. But they are not going to mention how much more cost to test for alcohol most the time they will not !!!! and now that I think about it they clean the excess adhesive off with alcohol first but bottom line is don't worry about alcohol in this one usually just worry about blowing and it's very unlikely in your urine even that cost a lot more to get that strong of a test

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They use an alcohol wipe before they apply the patch. No it dont show up. I am on the patch and drink l the time.

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Did you ever figure this out .. I'd like to know as well.. plus as to if it's true it only tests things 48 hours prior to having the patch on ?

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I'm trying to figure out if PHARMCHEK sweat patches check for alcohol. I do know that they have been evaluating whether it works or not but I can't find anything that says it actually checks for it. This reference has been sited but it's all that I can find.

Phillips and M.H. McAloon, “A sweat-patch test for alcohol consumption: Evaluation in continuous and episodic drinkers,” Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 4(1980)391-395.

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