Soma Dangers And Overdose (Page 2)
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could someone tell me if a person takes soma, can they overdose? my best friend im afraid is addicted and going to end up dead.

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Dear Kevin B,

I would have to agree with a lot of your reply and information. But a comment that really got my attention was the comment about threatening the Dr along with the Pharmisist. I believe with all my heart, you can not blame the Dr or the Pharmacy. From my past, I never once blamed the Dr or Pharmacy for running out early. The reason I say you can't put the blame on the Dr or Pharmacy is because they do not force her to over take them. The only person you or she can blame, is herself. I've over taken before, but never did I go blaming the Dr or threatening the Dr. Nobody is forcing her to put those pills in her mouth except for her. I'm not writing this post to start a fight, I just hate to see Dr's get the brunt of it when they are only trying to help a patient who is in serious pain and in need of relief! No way, (if the patient represents themself well) can the Dr. see that they are addicted and over taking them. So please Kevin, all I ask is you don't blame and try and threaten the Dr. That is what they have worked so incredibly hard for and its not only a job, it's there livelihood you could take away. Now I've never ever heard of a pharmacy giving extra medication to a patient who has run out early and needs some until there next Dr. visit. But by all means, if that truly happen and that's what she told you and she is not getting them off the streets and lying to you, THEN I would definitely go and threaten the pharmacy. I would threaten them because no pharmacy in there right mind, (especially with the DEA the way they are) would give a patient more medication without a proscription if you see what I'm saying. I hope you get where I'm coming from and understand that I feel very passionate about friends and loved ones trying to put the blame on the Dr when they were only trying to help. It's a very heartwarming story and I'm so glad you rescued her life! Addiction is the worst disease in the world and people don't choose it. It truly just happens after trying to find relief and trying to get your life back to how it was when you were able to do everything you loved, while being pain free and enjoying life. I hope you don't take this post the wrong way, but see where I'm coming from. Thanks for reading and once again, congratulations on saving a life man! Your a true hero and a wonderful gentlemen! Take care and God bless you!

Aaron R.

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I dont think its to easy to overdose on. well not for me anyway. I am prescribed 3 a day also 3 oxycodone 10 a day, 2 lyrica and also use fentanyl 25 every 48 hr. Then at night 2 benedryl, 10 mg melatonin and 2 sleeping pills. Ive never had any interactions or problems. I take a non lrescribed sleeping pill as I was on a prescribed one but it didnt work as well.

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@Depressed, don't take your whole bottle at once! While you know these drugs are powerful, the Benzos can really get you sick if you take a bunch or when you withdraw. Some people would think you are lucky that you have them!

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I have been on Soma for 4 years. I'm currently taking 2 every 3 hours and 4 at bedtime. I'm in the worst depression of my life and just picked up my refill (90 quantity for 1 Month). I'm seriously thinking of taking the whole prescription tonight, but I'm afraid it WON'T kill me...thoughts???

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I am trying so hard to get off somas, but u can't sleep at night without them, I get no sleep, I want to quit but what do I do? I am hurting my 29 yr old daughter by continuing

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No I would spread it out a little longer after all, Soma is addictive, By taking so many you can cause serious problems with your Liver

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Cindy- I have been taking approx 18-20 Somas per day. I am a 225 lb guy, but still way too much. How do I stop? If I tier down to 10, 6, 3,2,1,0 over 6-8 days is that ok.

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I am due to have back surgery monday today is thursday was told do not take any blood thinners 5 days before surgery. is aspirin in soma? can i contiue to take them?

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dead wrong it absolutly is a controlled substance schedule 5 I do believe

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I will agree with you. I will be totally honest I have very severe chronic pain and I enjoy taking a soma every now and than to help relax my muscles so my back isn't hurting for legit reasons but A LOT of doctors won't even prescribe this drug I mean from a personal stand point I would never abuse this drug but still there are very few docs my pain management doc knew how much pain I was in extremely severe and she's a very caring doctor and she was very reluctant to even give me a very short course of this medication she gave me 5 to last the month I figure great I don't even take that many a month personally to me they are not addictive but than again I don't have an addictive personality and its not like they get me high or something. I've heard stories my reccommendation is stay away from this drug stay FAR away from soma.

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Kevin, your story made me cry because I have been and still struggle with the same situation as your wife. I've had back surgery and still suffer with severe pain. Thankfully, my pain management doctor has prescribed the Fentanyl patch (Mylan brand so there is no risk of accidental overdose) for me and it helps a lot! It has helped me curb and control the cravings for Soma since it was mostly pain-based when I would take too much. Of course there are still times I want the "high," but my relationship with my fiance is more important that drugs to me. I also am thankful that both my parents and my fiance monitor my use of the medication by locking it up. Though I will admit I've gone so far as to jimmy the locks to get it, but I have since stopped and the now have a lock that is not nearly as easy to get into. So I get two pills in the morning before my mom goes to work and two when she gets home at night. Like I said, it's MUCH easier (if you or someone you know suffers with chronic pain) when I have the Fentanyl patch on because I get so much pain relief from that, that I don't feel I have to use more than prescribed of the Soma. I've been dealing with this addiction since 2006/2007.

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Hi , i too face similar problem of muscle tension,but i have not taken any drug for this.i am leaving with it.i am trying to solve it without any drug,if possible.i advice you to stay away from drugs at least for this problem,try to make that particular muscle in motion whenever possible.

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Soma is an evil drug. After my accident and spinal fusion my Dr. gave me Soma to ease muscle tension. Surgery was in 2005 and here it is 2013 I still need them at times but I take them too when I just want the world to go AWAY. I should be highly aware of its power as a good friend of mines EX-wife OD'd on them February of last year and died. It relaxed her Heart so much it just quit beating. Yes folks this is a muscle relaxer and your heart is the biggest muscle in your body...I too got a DUI while taking Soma, I have backed off of it on a daily basis..but its still here when I get down and I just cant give it up

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what r u doing now? Still using? Only asking so I can help you. Soma is a b****! It is evil...I can say this 'cause I know. You gotta know this too!

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Three soma dui's in 2 months...last 2 within a week. They were prescribed and I was hopelessly addicted. I almost died from pill withdrawal. Also addicted to Vicodin and Klonopin. My life was a living hell! Had to start a whole new life and am two years' clean ! Thank God I did not kill anyone and I'm not drooling and weaving baskets in some state institution.

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FYI... My doctor told me this week that this will be my last soma prescription (have been taking it for years). He said that the FDA is going to ban soma scripts in the near future. Too many deaths and the manufacturer has many law suits against it. Not sure if it's true, but this is this 2nd doc that has told me something like this.

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Soma Is a wonderful and extremely helpful drug if taken the way it is prescribed and IF YOU NEED IT. I have extreme neck, shoulder, and back spasms from injured disks over the years. I am 5ft 120pds. I have been taking 2 somas at bedtime for 10 years or more and 4mg zanaflex. I have never had the urge to just take more than I need just to get a high. When you start to take a pill, any pill, ask yourself. Am I hurting and want relieve or am I looking for a pleasure high. About every 3 or 4 months, I stop taking my soma , dilaudid, and lortab-10 cold turkey just to get it out of my system for a while. I usually stay off of it for at least 3 weeks, I am still in alot of pain, but I take aleve, and advil and suck it up!!! My neuroligist told me that as long as you are in severe pain and do not have an addictive nature, you will not get addicted to pain meds. So,for some good advice on Soma, if taken correctly you will get alot of relieve.

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Was that with or without ingestion of anything else; i.e. other narcotic pain medicines, alcohol, etc.? My jaw is on the floor after reading how many people abuse Soma. I'm just trying to find relief from "knock-you-over, make you wanna' puke & blubber like a 3 yr. old with wet drawers" kind of menstrual cramps & had taken 1 & 1/2 Soma & 2 Tylenol a few hours ago & as it's just going on 5:00 am, I refuse to be the asshat pt. that calls the doc to ask them. Seriously people; STOP abusing prescription meds as there is a sort of holocaust going on & there is no way that any reliable information to tell you what taking 5, 7, 10+ Soma tablets will do to you. I take a literal menu of meds for Systemic Lupus & other auto-immune issues, including narcotics but am new to Soma. I think people forget that medications are to help you live a PRODUCTIVE life without suffering, not to have you bobbing & weaving like you are drunk. I wish could just find info that can tell me when it is safe to take more Soma instead of how much to take to get high. Being young & stupid is awesome, but abusing medications to get high is DANGEROUS! Go smoke pot to get high, take medicines to get BETTER! Wow, just wow!

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my husband took six somas today, I am very worried he is now sleeping, he usually doesn't take any drugs, is he going to be okay?

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my husband took six somas today, I am very worried he is now sleeping, he usually doesn't take any drugs

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