Is Phendimetrazine Harmful To Take If You Have Mac
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I have taken Adderol for ADD and it wasn't helping much so my doctor started me on Phendimerazine Tartrate. 35 mg. I never take more than 2 or 3 daily, sometimes none and often just 2 in the mornings. I have dry macular degeneration and high risk for dry macular degeneration, am 75 years old. So far my eyesight has stabelized quite well.quite well. started taking
I also have chronic fatigue, no heart problems, no nerviousness or other symptoms that would point to eye damage or other symptoms related to ajphetimine useage. I often go without it if I don't have a lot that has to be accomplished and need the extra energy., because it becomes less affective if I take it every day. I have never taken more than 4 in a day(seldom that) or 2 at a time, early morning. On an early morning empty stomach,
it will last me all day. Doesn't seem to do much or anything to my appetite which I read is what it is prescribed for. I took it years ago for weight and found it helped my minor bouts of depression, and still does.

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