Is Charcoal Safe For Long Term Use? (Top voted first)


hi,had ibs symptoms for over 5 years now, tryed everything, changed diet, meal times etc. doctor not been able to help much. my break though came when i discovered charcoal tablets, no more bloating, no more trapped wind, no more running to the toilet , amazing !! but is charcoal safe long term? had no side affects but the results seem to good to be true any advice welcome

2 Replies

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I've done some searching and it seems that there has been nothing that proves long term use of it to be harmful, but there has also been nothing that proves it is safe, either.

Since it's not considered an actual drug, it hasn't undergone all of the same testing and studies that they do.

Have you tried asking your doctor if they know anything else about it?


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I took activated charcoal daily for a month and it destroyed my gut flora.
I have IBS now.[Didnt have it before].
Ask your doctor before stopping could be a delicate process while using probiotics.

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