How To Combat Prednisone Side Effects And Withdrawal
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I am 61 years old , I was given Prednisone by a Spanish doctor after an operation in placing supporting wedges in my neck after two disc impacted. At that time I was given a daily dose of 60 mg for one month then reduced down to 30 mg, at this time I was told to continue to help reduce the inflammation , I experienced pains in my hands & knees , I also became to have problems with my sugar levels to the point at a hospital it was recorded that my sugar level was at 810 (normal levels are around 115)!

I now have to take 30/70 insulin twice per day, I was never told that you can only take this Prednisone for a short time it has been now 14 yrs I have tried to come off it by reducing very slowly , but each time my reducing to 10 or even to 5mg per day creates not able to sleep, aching & cramps problems with no energy falling to sleep during the day even to having car accident & luckily survived, I am now down to 10mg what can I take to help this last stage of removing this drug that has made a habit of my body. Now I am suffering from my knees are swollen hands & wrists & problem with walking & mood swings with depression , I after experiencing this drug would never recommend it to anyone , once you have taken it for a while it then demands your body to react if you don't keep on supplying all the time.

Please any one or any doctor give me a chance to live a normal live again!

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