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stop smoking pill

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In order to get your trial set, you need to pay a visit to the doctor. Just tell them you want to quit smoking and have heard of chantix/champex. Its called champex in Canada too. They will be more than happy to prescribe it. The first session is the trial period so its supposed to be for 2 weeks and the doses are less strong. 0.5mg per day and overtime the doses increase and you take them twice a day. Drug works like a charm. However, keep in mind the drugs DOES have side effects as well. Eat well before you take it and drink lots of water. I had lot of nausea and vomited a couple times while on it. Hope this helps

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Hi there the side effects are crazy for some people it causes suicidal thoughts, depression, different mood swings or you can break out crying for no apparent reason. If these occur quit taking them immediately and go see your doctor.

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I stop smoking within 2 days of the pill and two weeks later going good, but my attitude became very negative and sarcastic, i stopped pill and seem to be going back to normal and still not smoking. I think you just have to be motivated but the pill did give me a push.

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My wife and I picked up our prescription from the doctors today for Champex. Worried about the side effects. Any normal side effects that we should be concerned about? Heard about the sleeplessness and mood changes. Is that normal?

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Hello fellow nicotine victims. I'm on my second week of chantix. Yesterday was the first day I managed to smoke only four cigs and today I have smoked probably 4. Smoking was in my head but instead of smoking I grabbed a piece of gum and came on here. I have to say that it is working for me however u have to help yourself too.I am having the crazy dreams and mild headaches but not bad enough for me to stop. Im sick of smoking.

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How do I get this drug in Nigeria?

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This pill should only be taken with weekly visits to your doctor for monitoring. I had a horrible summer with my husband who turned into a monstor until he discontinued use of Champex.

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I have been on Champex for 3 weeks now & haven't had a cigerett for 2wks. I have found very easy to give up smoking with them but tonight I have awoken with a terrible iching & skin rash... has anyone else eperienced this? And is it a side effect? I will phone the Drs in the morning....

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i barely sleep since taking it and i feel unordinairlily happy

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I have just been reading about Champex - apparently it can cause suicidal thoughts and depression. I am currently taking it - and was wondering what is wrong with me. I actually feel a lot less depressed than usual. I am practically an alcoholic normally and I am wondering if its turned off the alcoholic receptors in my brain as well as a number of other negative factors. I have not even been thinking of cigarettes and I have been taking the tabs now for three weeks. I seem to be experiencing no nicotene withdrawals and I have been a hardcore smoker since the age of 15 - I'm now approaching 40 years. I've tried to give up loads of times and failed. Usually my head is very fuzzy without my nicotene - but not this time - I recommend CHAMPEX

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can I use zolpidem tartrate with champex

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Can anyone help me get a free trial of chantix/champex? I live in Canada.

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I was told by my family Dr, that I cant take because of aerial flutter and my blood pressure meds im on ( tiazac ), however when talking to the pharmacist he said I should be able to take it with no problems at all, im confused...

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I am just about to start on a course of Champex, I would love to know if you managed to stay off the cigarettes permanently? Like you I have been smoking for a lot of years (51 years actually) Your post has encouraged me to have a go, so please tell me if you started again.

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I just wanted to say it is called Champex here in Egypt as well.

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Make sure you read the posssible side effects - it has been linked to severe depression, majour behavioural change and suicide so if you are going to take it make sure you have someone who can keep an eye on you.

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After smoking for more then 41 years I smoked my last cigarette on 6/22/09. The Chantix worked like a charm for me. My doc. said to not set a quit date, just take the pill and see what happens. The day I realized that I had been carrying a half pack of smokes for two days without smoking, I threw the rest away. Really suggest trying.

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In response to the site admin comment... This drug is called Chantix in the US but it is Champex in the UK. Worked VERY well for my father-in-law. Now trying to get my Dad to try it...

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You are supposed to take 1 pill/day for days 1,2&3; take 2/day for days 4,5,6&7; then decide one day between days 8-14 to stop smoking; all the while taking two pills a day for days 8-(total of 3 months). It's worked for everyone I have seen take it.. and I'm on it now

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does this really work ! it is suppose to make smoking taste bad,it doesnt seem to be working !how long can a person stay on the pills and keep smoking ?

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