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Cerenia - Maropitant Citrate
prescribed for our dog an American Eskimo as an antiemetic
Dose is 1/2 tab daily for 4 days, then off 3 days then repeat cycle
Dispensed as 60 mg pills so dose will be 30 mg/day

Or do is 14 years old, apparently very healthy, no history of any problems. He stopped eating, He used to eat everything in sight, we used to tell everyone he was part goat.Such a dramatic change. Blood tests showed elevated BUN, & CRT. rine dilute. We now he did not get into anything like antifreeze et. We have a fenced in yard and when ever they are out we are with them. The vet feels it is chronic kidney disease part of which is due to age They also prescribed Famotidine (5 mg daily) & Mirtazapine (7.5 mg daily).