Blakjax Aj 3850 (Top voted first)


Large black capsule with above markings

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My boyfriend and I took black jack today and now we feel like we are going to die. We both have puked, he keeps shaking, I keep feel like I'm on fire and am trying really hard not to puke again. What can we do to stop this?? Please help us asap

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Re: dee-dee (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

What does it do if someone snorts it? Just curious, found half of the capsule in workers truck

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This is an over the counter energy capsule similar to Stacker or Stacker E. I dont know if this is the one made in the US or in Europe.

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It contains caffeine, Yohimbine (from the Pausinyatalia Yohimbe tree), Capsaicin (from chile peppers!!!!), Yerba Mate (from Ilex paraguariensis tree), Guarana seeds (from the Paullinia cupana tree) and Kola Nut seeds (Kola was originally used to make cola soft drinks). Blakjax AJ3850 is also known as Stacker this is the E version and provides you with more energy and is also known as a diet-pil. I think it's originally from the US but you can also buy it in west-europe.

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250 mgs caffeine.. do NOT take any other caffeine related products such as coffee. The capsule you took should wear off in 6 TO 8 hours. caffeine alkaloids such as in vivarin Are alot smoother than what you get in blakjax. gurana seeds have been known to cause headaches. though they contain caffeine... they are a rougher version. be careful next time. they are purposely made to look like biamphetamines.. which in the sixties and seventies were known as Black beauties. They are no longer legal in the US even with a prescription.

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I am not sure where it is made either, but I know you can buy them here in the U.S., my husband was just looking at a package of them the other day in our local pharmacy.

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I beleive it is probably made over in Europe only because I've taken ones that were over the counter from Europe that I acquired from my local gnc store. And they had the same exact effect as black jax did. But all the ones that are made in America have not had the same effect or impact as black jax. And I've taken many different brands lol.

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Re: Lynsie (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Itll wear off after a while dont freak out my first time i had same results minus the puking now i open each pill pour out half into lemonade and only take half of the capsule its great energy booster never ever take two give it a couple hours itll wear off

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Re: Lynsie (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Its caffeine, it seems you dont have a tolerance to that much caffeine at once. Either that or you took it on an empty stomach. Just wait for the effects to go away and dont be paranoid of how sick it made you last time or you will feel the same.

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