Bisop 5 Mg (Top voted first)


Hi, I am a HCM (non obs) patient. Was tking Amidarone 200 last three years for drop beat. stopped 4mnth ago, due to Thyroid prob (tsh 0). now taking Concor5mg twice a day. Mornng5mg+ evening5mg.But swelling at leg and no major drop beat. Holter test ok. Clostrol ok. But tyroid is still not ok. Tsh 0.005.not taking any medicine as Amiodarine induced thyroid prob as Doctor told and hve to wait another 2months (total 6month) to see any Thyroid functn development.Is the Concor helpful for my conditions? Also during my Amidorine treatment always the holter was ok.Why the doctor didn't stop Amidarone before sideefects?Pls kindly reply

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Your doctor didn't stop the Amidarone before any side effects developed is because they have no way of knowing how any medication is going to affect any one patient. Not all medications cause the same effects for everyone that uses them, everyone is different. Some people are able to use them with no problems and others can have so many problems and issues with them that they have to stop using them and switch to something else.

For example. Metoprolol is another medication, in the same class as the Bisoprolol, that is very commonly used in the U.S. to treat high blood pressure, erratic heart beat and some cases of heart failure. Many people use it without any problems at all, or only mild side effects that disappear as their bodies adjust to the medication. However, when it was prescribed for me, even at a low dose, I got every side effect that is listed and a few surprising ones that don't happen that often, so I had to stop using it and try something else.

As to Concor, which contains Bisprolol and whether or not it is helpful for your condition, yes it does work well for many people. However, as I have already stressed, it does not work for everyone and some may experience side effects from it, such as:

nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache.

You can read more information on it here:


Do you have any other questions?

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Many thanks Verwon for your comments. Really it is helpful. Now I understand. But still I ask a question to myself as why the doct took risk for a long as he knows that sideeffects might be very dangerous and can attack anytime.Shouldn'rt the doctor use ami as an emergency only not a regular medicine? Can Amiodarone induced thyroid (tsh=0) be ok without Thyroid medicine? say after stoping Amio for 6M?. Is Bisoprolol helpful for some people for Irregular Heart beat prob? after stopping Amio I am now on Concor 5mg +5mg (1+0+1).My recent holter test is very good. How long can I depend on this medicine (Bisoprolol)? If it does't work what is the next treatment option other than ICD? Please reply

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When it comes to any particular medication, your doctor really has to use his discretion and decide whether the benefits outweigh the risks. This doesn't mean they always have it right, but it is a chance that has to be taken when treating certain conditions.

Yes, the Bisoprolol can help with this, but as I stated, it doesn't work for everyone. There is also no way to say for sure how long it will work for any given person.

Some people can use it for many years and it remains effective, however, others may get tolerant to it much sooner and have to switch to a different medication.

I really wish I had some hard and fast answers for you, but I don't. Medications just don't work that way.

Since I don't know what country you are in, I also have no way of knowing what your other treatment options are.

Have you discussed them with your doctor? You also shouldn't be afraid to see another doctor, if you feel that this one did the wrong thing by using the other medication.


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After stopping Amio for the last 6months my recent thyroid test is normal though didn't take any thyroid medicine. 6months ago it was hyper (TSH=00, now 3.70. I have been treating till now with Concor 5mg as 1+0+1 after stopping amiodarone 200mg (1+0+0) about 6 months ago due to thyroid prob. I am a patient of HCM (nonobs, since 12ys) with AF (since 4ys). With Concor 5mg twice a day (1+0+1)=10mg, my doctor wants (planning) to add Multaq400mg (once a day) with Concor 5mg +5mg. Will it be helpful for me? Is it ok to use high dossages of Concor with Multaq400mg (hear beat 68/min). Can I ever switch Amiodarone as my thyroid function is normal now? What are the other options other than ICD? Recently also my doctor has suggested to buy an Automatic External Defib mechine. (AED) and to keep at home so that it might be helpful incase of immergency. Does it really work for irregular heart beat with dangerous variety(s)?

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Can high dossages of Bisoprolol (5mg+0+5mg) may be used with a single dossage of Multaq 400mg (1+0+0)? Is there any sideeffects using these medicines togetherly?
I am a patient of HCM (non) with irregular heartbeats age 43ys .
Current treatment Concor5mg+0+Concor5mg with Plavix

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I have intermittent afib. Recently it has gotten worse. Up until Jan of this year I was not on any arythmia med except for Tambacor 50 as a pill in the pocket when an episode occurs Usually lasting only 6 hrs at the most. I had an ablation in 2012. Then about 6 months ago, I had an episode that seemed not to go away. I did everything I always had done. Tambacor. And n extra toprol. Didn't help. The mad increased the Tambacor to 150 daily and it stopped in a week exactly. I went to see him, he is a new me for me, he stated maybe Multaq would be better. Almost to the day, two months later it happened again. This time I received an electric cardioversion. Now two months later, in again. This time I was put on Amiodarone. Have been taking for 6 days still no change plus, heart rate any where from 85 to 140. I am scared first of all about the ami and I have been in afib a week and three days. He says we have ran out of meds. I don't agree, there are more can I get any input please?

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