Withdrawal Symtoms Of Thaden, Topalex And Nuzak
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Ive been using the combination of Thaden and Topalezx (at night) and Nuzak in the morning for 2 years now. I've stopped using it about 3weeks now(not gradually, immediately) I do not have a medical aid anymore and is unemployed so I cannot afford to buy it every month anymore. I feel really horrible, have headaches, dizziness, am highly emotional, irritable, nausea, stomach ache, brain waves . The first 2 weeks I had difficulty sleeping at night I would lie in my bed till 2 am in the morning before I sleep. I feels as if my brain does not switch but I was so tired. This is a little better, but how long will I have the other symptoms? Is there something that I can buy over the counter to detox or feel better? I really need to do something.

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