Vimovo Drug Information (Top voted first)


I was just prescribed Vimovo by my doctor today. While searching the web I realized that this was just approved on April 2010 by the FDA and I really cannot find a whole lot of information on it. I did read the side effects before I took the 1st dose. Has anyone ever heard of this pain med? It is a 500 mg dose and the main ingredients are naproxen and esomeprazole magnesium, and is usually prescribed for arthritis patients... Can anyone help?

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Vimovo combines the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Naproxen, used to relieve pain and swelling, with the proton pump inhibitor Esomaprazol to protect the stomach from the irritation and damage that the NSAIDs can cause.

Common side effects can include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach pain.

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Currently available Esomeprazole preparations are enteric coated or delayed release, but in Vimovo Esomeparzole is in the outer layer and it is claimed that it is immediate release. What is the reason behind that?

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Esomeprazole is highly sensitive to acid. That's why it is designed to release at stomach and it is enteric coated. But in Vimovo as it is in the outer layer so, it will experience the acidic condition so in my sense it will be destroyed to some extent. Can you please explain that?

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