Trepiline Drug Information (Page 2)
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since taking tripiline I have not been able to maintain an erection? I am 78yrs old and have had no difficulty before

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Hi I was Diognoised with endometioses about 8 years ago. I have had about 4 laparoscopies in that time. I was on the ejection nur esterate for about 6 years and on the depo for 1 year but the endometioses came back and I had to go for the operation again. When I went for my 6 week check up, the doctor said he is going to take me of the injection for 6 months so that my body can funtion normaly. I have to go back in January. But I still have'nt started with my period. Is that normal? The doctor also gave me Trepilene 25 mg. I would just like to know what is it for and can it make you fat because I have put on some wight?

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I was bitten by a sac spider and my docter prescribed Trepiline for the incredible headaches that I get. It is however making me drowsy and I seem to sleep all the time. Is Tripiline the correct drug for this?

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I have been using Trepiline for about two months and i have been experiencing severe hair loss. is this normal?

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my friend overdosed on 90 of my 25mg trepiline tabs he has been discharged from hospital now after the blood levels dropped to 600 they were 4000, what are the after effects of such an episode he seems to be moody.

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Just had C4-C7 cervical discectomy enternal fusion. was prescribed tramacet for pain. After 6 days started having problems breathing, swallowing, and short of breath. Stopped taking it.My legs below the knees are in costant pain and I battle to sleep at night Can I take Tepiline 25gm at halve the rate and will there be any side effects. Will Cataflam D be a solution.

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I'm using trepiline 25mg. I'm 6 weeks pregnant can I keep on using the the trepiline durring my pregnance.

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I have very irritable legs at night which stop me sleeping
but I do have high blood pressure which is controlled by medication - can I take trepilline to help me sleep?

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I also gained weight, just thought it was me, on a diet now but does not seem to loose weight, but i will rather live with a slighty bigger body than the severe pain, gosh no, that was horrible, i am pain free when on Tripaline.

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Hi, I have been using 50mg per night since 2008, (had a severe migrain that landed me in hospital for a month). now i tired to stop using these tablets slowly, but the lower the dose goed, the more my headaches come back, I cant sleep and feel sick all day long. I felt so good while using them, no headaches for almost 2 years. i am just going to go back on them again.

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I had the same problem. So my doctor advised me to take it at the latest at 7 o'clock in the evening. This solved the problem of getting up late the following morning.

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I have been using Trepiline for over a year now. I liked it as first but now I'm starting to experiencing problems such as weight gain and stiffness of the ankles. I am using it to block my damage nerves from moving through my body which caused my legs, arms and back to pain. When I started using Trepiline my weight was 45kg now my weight is 63kg. I don't like been like this. I don't know what to do. I am afraid if I stop the pains will return and if I continue I will continue gaining weight. Please help.

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I've been prescribed 10mg of Trepiline for headaches,been using it for a month now and still have headaches every day.I heard that you can become addicted to Trepiline,is this true?

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I have been on 25mg Trepilene for 25 years and am experiencing loss of bladder control and a shaky left hand which makes for embarrasment when eating. I want to stop using aTrepilene, what should I use in the interim to sleep which is not habit forming?

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I have been prescribed Trepiline 25mg by my Neurosugeon for extremely sore legs from the knees down. Cant even let my legs touch each other its so sore. Even the skin surface has been sore. Have had to sleep with a pillow between my legs. Been on it now for nearly a month and pain in one leg gone and the other one about 80% gone. Neurosureon says the medication works on the nervous system. Basically it tells the pain nerve in the brain that there is no pain. I am also sleeping better. Just very dry nose in the morning and sometime a bit of blood when I blow my nose. Not sure why.

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I have perscribed with Trepiline by my orthopaedic surgeon for pain in my right leg due to a knee problem causing a lot of pain. At about the same time my Vascular surgeon prescribed Lyrica for pain due to nerve damage following artery bypasses. Can any one out there tell me if there is any difference between these two medications?

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l am HIV positive and taking these trepiline due to my feet that are numb but it is difficult for me cause am always sleepy no change on my feet does it take this long to feel better or l have to continue taking them they are 25mg should l request to change to the ones with less mg or continue cause l have 30 to finish and l have taken only 5 and they also make me hungry continuosly what must l do, l have gone through the comments seems helping but with me it's taking long somebody advise what l must do please.

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l am taking antivirus tablets my toes are now num l can not greep with them so my doctor prescibed trepiline l sleep like a dead person and struggle to get up in the morning to go to work, ls normal l am even planning to stop taking them after 5nights, should l continue or stop.

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I have been drinking Trepiline (12.5mg) for 2 months before sleep. I drank it for better sleep, anxiety and cronic pain I slept well but recently I realised that I feel like I am in a cocoon, foggy at day and my memory was slipping. I have put on weight and feels it is to much effort to do anything about it. Does Trepiline build up in your system? For the past view nights I have been feeling more and more drugged before going to bed. As if the Trepiline's effect was increasing. Last night I drank 600mg Gabatropin and slept wonderfully. I did not drink my Trepiline last night and find myself moody and crying easily today.

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I have been on 10mg for two years as I have suffered with insomnia for many years. What a gift! I take it about 1 hour before bedtime and I go to bathroom during the night, or wake up to say to my student daughter when home from waitressing, and am able to chat and go to bed again without a struggle. Reading all the comments, find the dosage that agrees with your body type. I know of women who have been given 25mg to start off with and it has made them feel awful. After chatting to me and lowering dosage has worked wonders. I LOVE IT, I CAN GET MY WONDERFUL SLEEP AT NIGHT AND NOT FEEL DRUGGED THE NEXT MORNING!!!

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