Seizures & Shaking Of Hands
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Hello Doctor,
I m epileptic pateint from last 3 years, I had an history of seizure 9 years back when after regular dosage as provided by doctor i was declared fit, For normally working for 3 years after that i again started with seizures n now i m on a treatment again having Eptoin 300 (1 every Night) And levecon 300 twice ( Morning / Night). But over the periods of last few months i have noticed shaking of my hands while working / or sitting idle. Rest Body parts are okay But this Hand shaking ( Tremor - i guess wht it is called) is giving a lot of tension to me. I am working man n mostly staying out of india.
Could you advice the reason for these seizures and Shaking of hands.
I m married n planning for kids, will this problem of mine will give any harm to my childrens at later stage.

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