Pyridostigmine For Myasthenia Gravis (Top voted first)


Is this the only medication for treating myasthenia gravis?

2 Replies

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I was only asking if there was anything else a person can take other than Pyridostigmine because it is expensive. I have been told in the past that it was the only medication so was wondering if there was anything new in the past few years. I have been on it for probably around 10 years.

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No, there are others that can be used, it is usually just the first choice, since it works so well for many people, without causing a lot of unwanted side effects.

Immunosuppressant can be used to treat Myasthenia Gravis according to this article about treatment options. (Click the highlighted text.),medications, such as the corticosteroid Prednisone, may also be used, as well as monoclonal antibody therapies.

However, I don't know how expensive these other options might be.

Are you on any other medications?

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