Pregabalin Forums (Page 3)

Recently active Pregabalin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Pregabalin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I am taking Pregabalin 75 mg, one capsule daily. While on this medication should alcohol be avoided totally? Or, on a particular day, if I intend to take a drink, can I skip the medicine for a day? I understand, this drug should not be taken after consumption of alcoholic drink. Please advise. Regards. ## After bypass surgery in 2004, I have severe pain in the chest, since last 7-8 years & the same not angina. Of late the doctor treating me said this pain could be because of damaged nerves and advised me to take PREGABALIN 75mg, one capsule daily. 5-6 days after using this medicine, I observed a small relief. But this relief was temporary. Now there is no change in the pattern of pain and I even feel it was better before I started Pregabalin. I am confused whether to continue Pregab...

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My brother has told me that people are opening up capsules and insufflating the contents. As I'm worried that my brother may be involved in this practice could you give me signs to look out for and how dangerous this can be? ## Hello, Jaxie! How are you? These medications aren't actual analgesics, though since they can be used to treat some types of nerve pain, it seems many people assume they are and that they work like analgesics. These are actually anticonvulsants that have been shown to help with some nerve pain, as I have already stated, as well as some mood disorders. In order to achieve their proper levels of therapeutic efficacy in your body, they must be taken regularly for about 4 to 5 weeks. Now, as to insufflating the contents, they might experience a brief period of...

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please give me the detail of pregabalin&methylcobalamine capsules. I take this capsules and i feel every time my eyes was closed. ## Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and weight gain. Read more here: Do you have any other questions? ## I was told to take pregabalin 75 mg. I feel heavyness of head, nausea and slight giiddi feeling. Why this happens. ## Lata, side effects are normal for any medication you take and usually are to be expected. Have you mentioned them to your doctor? Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and weight gain. Read more here: ## give the reply ## kindly inform me the doses, uses, indication for using Methyl cobalamin and Pregabalin preparation ## Takin lyrica 75 mg at nite only one ,, why does it cause weig...

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Hi, I had a gastric bypass op in 2004. Lost 75kg. I also suffer from lipoedema and have extra large legs/bottom half of legs and upper arms. Have a bad back, had cortisone injections in both sacroiliac joints. I get bloated/pain under left ribcage like a stitch in your side when you run and are unfit. I am petrified to pick up a weight or have swollen legs, yet was given Lyrica for the pain? I am very confused. Also on hrt and was given Salpraz for my stomach.


what is the function of Neurica-M 75 tab which is pregabalin and methylcobalamin ,which indication it is used. ## The combination of Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin is most commonly given to help with certain types of nerve pain. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## my mom in law was prescribed neugaba for foot pain. she is diabetic. she has been taking neugaba for a month...we notice swelling more puffines in her face. is this becos of neugaba and shld we stop medications? ## Edwina, has she consulted her doctor? Yes, the swelling/fluid retention is a fairly common side effect of the Pregabalin and she may require treatment for that, as well as a switch to another medication, but only her doctor can help...

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is neugaba useful in cervical pain too? ## Hello, Arvind! How are you? It really depends on what is causing the pain. This medication contains the active ingredient Pregabalin and it is generally only helpful at preventing seizures, some mood disorders and nerve pain. Thus, if the pain is due to some other cause, it will not help. The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings and weight gain. Has your doctor told you to take it?

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I M PRESCRIBED BY DOCTOR TO TAKE PREGATOR. I WANT TO KNOW ADVANTAGE OF THIS TABLET ## Pregator contains Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that's also used to treat certain types of nerve pain, coupled with various vitamins and minerals. Learn more Pregabalin details here. What type of problem did you see your doctor for? ## I have been prescribed pregator. Now I find that my foot joints are paining. Is it the effect of this medication ## I have back pain due to anesthetic injections in my backbone. Can I take predator for pain? ## I am a Diabetic patient 0f 25 yrs and on 30 units of Insulin NOVOMIX/ NOVORAPID for last 5 yrs. Last Night I felt Chillinb Sensation on both my feet internally and could not sleep at all. This was my first such time. Doctor examined and prescribed PRE...

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How to stop taking nova or any pregabalin ## Hello, Ash! How are you? It is best to slowly taper off such a medication, because stopping abruptly creates the risk of seizures, as reported by the U.S. FDA. It could also cause mood swings, depression, anxiety and irritability. What is your current dosage?

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Will Pegabalin and Mecobalamin capsules useful in acute and cornin pain in vericose veins? Because You said pregabalin is useful in treating nerve pain. ## l complain of pain in my ha nd but severe in the left and the doc prescribe Pre-Meco for me.What is it for and how would it help?

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Please, has anyone else taken pregabalin and experienced lost of memory and words? I've been on it for 5 years and I'm really feeling messed up and can't remember what happened yesterday and stuff. ## Hello, Robbie! How are you? Yes, those are common side effects of this class of medications, as reported by the U.S. FDA. They tend to worsen the longer you're on them, too. Other typical side effects may include dizziness, headache and weight gain. Have you informed your physician? It may be time for you to try a different medication.

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I am aged 47 already a cervical disc prolapse patient taking Pregabalin M75 and Duxet 20mg for the past 8 years Since August2013 i was affected by right side hip pain followed by right side pelvic bone pain upto the right knee. There is burning sensation on the right thigh for the past six month. I am an hypoglycemia patient, and having severe constipation problem for the past 25 years. By the year 2000 i underwent piles operation. But still the constipation continues. Daily i used to take Nubase Suspension 3 small size cup. May i get the remedy from these problems. ## What types of foods do you eat? How much water do you drink? Both can contribute to constipation. You medications may also be contributing to the problem. As to the pain, have you consulted your doctor about it, yet? That...

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pregabolin &methylcobalamin capsule nervmax-side effects ## Methylcobalamin is a nutritional supplement, so the actual drug here is the Pregabalin, which is used to prevent convulsions and treat certain types of nerve pain. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight gain. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## wife diabetic,ht,neural compression,cervical,old tb cured in kidney,suffering shoulder freeze,back pain taking nervmax for last 20 days,alongwith ultracet got long she can take nervmax without affecting her kidneys and other side affects.thanks.m.hasan rajasthan,India ## what if 8 tablets of nervmax 75 taken ## I hv spinal cord pressed in 2 places in spine. Doctors prescribed Nervemax tablet and kalcizol, and said it will b...

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I have back pain and my limbs get easily numb. So I went to a doctor who prescribed me trinerve lc. Is it a correct prescription? I am getting slight blood in my nose due to rupture maybe but I noticed this only after I started the course of trinerve lc. Does it have any side effects? ## The only actual medication contained in Trinerve is Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that's also been proven to help with certain types of nerve pain. Learn more Pregabalin details here. The rest of the active ingredients are just nutritional supplements, a vitamin V complex. However, some B vitamins may cause some blood thinning, which could be causing your nasal problem. Have you talked to your doctor about it, yet? ## I have feet burning from last around 7 months can I take trinerve lc

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maroon colored capsule says phuer, pgn/100 ## plz help id capsule pill marroon color says phuer & pgn/100 found in medicine cabenet have no idea what they are if someone could help me figure out what they are would be gratefull thank you ## Hello. Question please, could that be Pfizer instead of phuer with the 100 located beneath the pgn? ## The only marking it could be, would be Pfizer. It should read Pfizer PGN100. This is Pregabalin 100mgs, a generic for Lyrica. Lyrica is used to help prevent Epileptic seizures and to treat certain types of nerve pain such as that caused by diabetic neuropathy. ## Thanks verwon that's all I could come up with to from the description that was given. Have a nice day! ## Suddenly from the back of my brain I started feeling like some hot liquid h...

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I have been taking pregabalin for over two years and yes I had put over two stne on. After a discussion with my pain consultant I understood a lot of the weight gain was excess water. I started taking homeopathic water retention tablets and these really helped. In the last month instead of my 150mg & 75mg at night and 150mg & 50mg in the morning my dose was changed to 200mg and 250mg tablets. My weight has piled on to what it was and more besides. Does anyone know if the lager doses normally do this. ## Yes, if your dose is raised, it would be normal to experience more weight gain, as well as the other side effects that the FDA reports, such as nausea, headache, dry mouth and mood swings. ## I am on pregabalin and have put on 4 stone because of this, so I tried to come straight ...

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do weight gain is to be occured for sure after taking pregator capsule? ## Pregator contains the medication Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that is also used to treat nerve pain, coupled with vitamins. And no, weight gain can be a side effect, but there is no way to say for certain that any given person taking it will gain weight. If you want to gain weight safely, you may want to just try adding a regular multivitamin to your diet, that doesn't contain an actual medication. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have muscle pain in calf muscle, foot, ankle, shoulder, hand and chest. Will Pregator help me to relieve me from all this without gaining weight or side effects. Already i have thyroid. ## I am a type 2 diabetic patient. Fasting sugar always remain 90-100. P.P ...

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My daughter is suffering from diabetics for the last five months and her serum fasting is 150 and serum PP is 165 at present with medicine. She is having pains for the last four to five days on her fingers of both legs. Pain is increasing if she wear shocks or if she cover her legs with woolen clothes. Her Physician advised her to take one tablet of Trinerve Forte daily after dinner for ten days. I like to know the details of the medicine and how it will help to rectify the present problem of my daughter. ## Trinerve Forte contains the active ingredients Pregabalin, Methylcobalamin and Folic Acid, the last two are nutritional supplements that are believed to be vital to nerve health and function. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. Learn more Folic Acid details here. The Pregabalin...

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I am 28yrs now. Gave birth 7months ago n had UTI prblem coz o which I was on antibiotic but now IM feelin its coz o antibiotic thats causin my arm n leg numbness n tingling feeling also burning type o sensation in my while upper back. Doc prescribed me pregabalin n megabalamin for 10 days, I completed 6days n wanna stop it. Is it Ok?? Evn if i TK d whole course if the same problem comes back, wats the point.


What does the 'pre' mean. What does gaba do? The side effects I have read seem quite bad. Does it really inhibit new synapses etc. in older brains. thank you. ## Hello, Topcat! How are you? You're actually misunderstanding the name, it's really one word, Pregabalin. The U.S. FDA classifies it as an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain and some mood disorders. No, it is not reported to inhibit new synapses. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight gain. Has it been prescribed for you?

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Are there any such combinations of pregabalin, methylcobalamin, vitamin B6, alpha lipoic acid, and folic acid available? If so, in what brand names? And how do I get a prescription for it? ## what is the manufacturing formula of Pregabalin 75 mg alphalipoic acid 100 mg vit B6 folic acid and Methylecobalamin combination capsule

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